Published 4 May 2022
Buckie Got It, News Source
Basseterre, St. Kitts, May 04, 2022 (SKNIS): UNESCO continues to deliver strong technical support to the Federation in areas such as education, sport, biodiversity, and social frameworks, said Dorothy Warner, Secretary-General of St. Kitts and Nevis National Commission for UNESCO, during her May 04 appearance on ‘Working for You.’
“UNESCO has been offering technical support in a lot of different areas primarily in the area of the participation projects. We see that over the years we have benefited from a lot of the funds that UNESCO has sent on the ground and of the technical assistance through consultants who have come to do capacity-building in terms of policy development etc.,” said Ms. Warner. “We speak of policies like the Youth Policy and Sport Policy. We have just completed the Gender Policy – two phases. We also had assistance in education where we are looking at the professionalizing of the teaching force and we look at support to the culture department and the development of culture in terms of the intangible cultural heritage and all those other social sciences and so on,” she added.
The Secretary-General said that UNESCO will continue to have a presence in St. Kitts and Nevis and encouraged people to learn more about the organization.
“UNESCO is really doing quite a lot of work in St. Kitts and Nevis and the people are benefiting, and so we are saying that we want to be able to, in this programme and every day, to let people know what UNESCO is doing so that they can further support and appreciate UNESCO to kind of raise the visibility of UNESCO in St. Kitts and Nevis,” she said.
His Excellency Dr. David Doyle, St. Kitts and Nevis’ Ambassador to UNESCO spoke to three “specific and very tangible projects” funded by UNESCO in relation to technical assistance.
“In intangible cultural heritage, this is one of the flagship projects of UNESCO and it helps member states like ours to identify documents, preserve, conserve and promote all forms of intangible cultural heritage. It is largely focused on creative industries but also objects and items, music, singing, etc. for which this country has a very rich heritage…,” said Ambassador Doyle.
The second project involves the follow-up to the development of a sports policy framework for St. Kitts and Nevis, while the third is in relation to the World Heritage Programme where “we are looking at identifying from a list of existing well-documented historical heritage sites across St. Kitts and Nevis that would be considered as being eligible for consideration by UNESCO, ultimately to be put forward to this World Heritage list,” said Dr. Doyle.