Crime/Justice, Local news, News

Double Homicide In Cotton Ground Nevis

Published 25 April 2017

Sheriff Wiliams 25 years

Elvis Lawrence 21 years

Police have confirmed a double homicide in Cotton Ground, Nevis Tuesday afternoon.

Senior police officer in Nevis said that police were at the scene of a shooting incident which occurred between 4:30 – 5:00 pm Tuesday (Apr 25) where one young man Elvis lawrence was confirmed dead and one Sheriff Wiliams rushed to the Alexandra Hospital.

Police subsequently confirmed that Sharif Wiliams succumbed to his wounds.

Information received is that armed assailants exited a vehicle and opened fire on the men who were at a shop in the area.

This shooting comes eight days after 28-year-old Morella Webbe was killed in that village (Apr 17) when the car she was driving was fired upon by unknown assailants. A female passenger in the vehicle was hospitalized for gunshot injuries.

On Sunday, March 26, Rondell Chapman of Rawlins Village was gunned down on the cricket field in Cotton Ground during an afternoon match between two cricket clubs.

To date no one has been charged with her murder, or the shooting.

Tuesday’s double killing brings to five the number of homicides recorded for Nevis so far this year and the 8th for the federation.



The Thought of the Day

Publish 25 April 2017

Buckie Got It…..Good morning my dear families and friends I hope that we all had a good night’s rest.

The thought for today reminds us that “The less you talk, the more you are listened to. ”

Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future. Proverbs 19:20 . Have a blessed Wednesday.

Today’s Tip

Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person you are.



Trinidad and Tobago president disappointed CCJ is not final court for all CARICOM states #

Published 25 April 2017


Trinidad and Tobago President Anthony Carmona

By Ken Richards

BASSETERRE, St Kitts (WINN) — The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) states of St Kitts and Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia and Grenada are among Caribbean states being criticized by a regional head of state for not having replaced the London-based Privy Council with the Caribbean Court of Justice as their final appellate court.

Four countries: Guyana, Barbados, Belize and Dominica are the only ones to have so far acceded to the CCJ’s appellate jurisdiction.

The rest of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) is being accused by Trinidad and Tobago president Anthony Carmona of dragging their feet on a matter he considers at the heart of Caribbean pride.

The former judge has expressed disappointment with that state of affairs, and is questioning the delay by most CARICOM nations in moving away from the British Privy Council.

Carmona is quoted as saying, “Perhaps the day will finally come when we can all take pride in, and responsibility for, defining, shaping, writing and ultimately, rewriting our own jurisprudence and laws in the context of our own peculiarities and the relationships among our own member states.”

The Trinidad and Tobago’s head of state articulated his concern about an apparent lack of confidence in the CCJ’s appellate jurisdiction by several Caribbean states during a lecture at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus last week.

Public support in Grenada for the Caribbean court failed to materialize in a recent referendum in the Spice Isle.

Antigua and Barbuda is expected to hold a public vote on the CCJ in the near future.


International news, Local news, News

St Kitts-Nevis joins Antigua-Barbuda in rejecting Illinois tax haven label #

Published 25 April 2017


Foreign Affairs Minister Mark Brantley

By Ken Richards

BASSETERRE, St Kitts (WINN) — Efforts by one American state to officially label St Kitts and Nevis a foreign tax haven are being strongly objected to by the federation’s foreign affairs minister, Mark Brantley, thus joining Antigua and Barbuda in a similar protest.

A proposed House Bill 3419 in the state of Illinois has listed St Kitts and Nevis and 17 other Caribbean countries as a “foreign tax haven” and, if passed, would impact negatively on them.


Economics, News


Published 25 April 2017


Basseterre, St. Kitts, April 25, 2017 (SKNIS): The Department of Labour in St. Kitts has taken steps to improve its data collection and analysis in keeping with efforts to advance the decent work agenda, which calls for opportunities for work that are productive with a fair income in a safe environment while fulfilling its regional and international obligations.

This was emphasized on Tuesday, April 25, by the Acting Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Labour, Ron Dublin-Collins, while giving an address to recognize the World Day for Safety and Health at Work, which is celebrated internationally on April 28 each year. The theme for 2017 is “Optimize the Collection and Use of Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) Data.”

“The time has come for us to begin to focus on the critical need to improve our capacity to collect and utilize reliable occupational safety and health data,” Acting Permanent Secretary Dublin-Collins stated, noting that such data are considered “indispensable” in detecting new hazards and risks, developing preventative measures, and implementing new policies, systems and programmes to address such.

To streamline the process, government has employed a statistical officer for the Department of Labour in March this year, who is responsible for collecting and analyzing data. Additionally, in February 2017, labour staff members and other stakeholders in St. Kitts and Nevis were briefed about, and trained to use software for the Caribbean Community’s Labour Market Information System (CLMIS) expected to be implemented in June 2017. It will serve as a database that informs CARICOM member countries of the availability of labour and employment. Mr. Dublin-Collins said “this is another step in the right direction for enhancing the collection and optimization of OSH data.”

The acting permanent secretary also explained that plans are in place to increase the number of labour inspectors, who carry out regular visits to places of employment in order to assess the working environment, and have friendly engagements with employers and employees.

All of the local plans are contained in nine priority areas designed to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the department. These are Institutional Strengthening of the Department and the Building of the Capacity of Staff; Updating the Labour Legislation; Enhancing the Labour Inspectorate; Educating the Public, Enhancing the Employment Mechanism and the Statistics Unit in the Ministry and Department of Labour; Enhancing the Social Protection System; Industrial Relations; International Relations; and Making Tripartism and Social Dialogue Central Themes for the Creation of Public Policies in Labour.

Several activities will be held this week to mark the observance of World Day for Safety and Health at Work. On Wednesday, April 26, (tomorrow) the Department of Labour will host a Safety and Health Symposium highlighting the importance of having a safe and secure work environment. Forty representatives from the manufacturing, hospitality and construction sectors will participate at the event slated for the Conference Room of Her Majesty’s Customs and Excise Department at Bird Rock. On Friday, April 28, a T-shirt Awareness Day will help to remind/educate the public on the matter and an awareness display will also be mounted at the Labour Department on Church Street. Also on that day, the Department of Labour in Nevis in conjunction with the Nevis Disaster Office will host an awareness rally. A church service on Sunday, April 30, wraps up the activities.