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Troubled Young Men (new release unedited) DEDICATED TO LEANNA (TINY) NAPOLEON (Permitted to use and share unedited, for her memory only)

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Published 18 June 2017

Troubled Young Men (new release unedited)

(Permitted to use and share unedited, for her memory only)

Tradition has set aside a day for our Parents to be praised
But let us look more closely at the children that we have raised
Some have become troubled young men, and girls void of love
A Nation aiming for success, finds its dreams dashed in a body glove
Of course, Leanna….we failed, you are proof that we must improve
Could it be that your case has impact us so much, that we move?…
With a new understanding of the challenges, the plight of youth,
In the midst of writing exams, at a time when you were to bear fruit,
The axe was laid at your tree, you suffered, in pain and agony –
It was a tree our Nation will miss, now a symbol of lost patrimony

It’s ironic, Tiny, that your demise has produced such a great impact
That the blame game has stopped, individuals and institutions want to act…
How many of us have encountered, and refuse to help these troubled souls?
How many of us have advised, given financing, or help them to reach their goals?
This hurts particularly because the most educated or the richest among us
Is of no help now, your body has already began the process of returning to dust
There are still some around…..troubled young men, call them, try to comprehend
Why have they become heartless? Is money that valuable, to cause a life to end?
Tears of brokenness and an honorable burial is now all that we can give –
I hear you, asking us to take an oath, “other young men and women, must live.”

Written by: Sanjay A. Caines
Graphics by: Hungry Frog Productions

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