
Weather forecast for Thursday 25th May, 2023 (7am)

Published 25 May 2023


Buckie Got It Media Source

Valid until 8:00am, Friday 26th May, 2023.

Weather Bulletin

Issued at: 7am Thursday, 25th May 2023
Present Weather: Fair Skies
Winds: A light air of 3mph
Temperature: 25°C / 77°F Humidity: 88%
Sea Level Pressure: 1012.5mbs or 29.90″
Sunrise: Tom 5:36am Sunset: Today 6:39pm

Weather Forecast Valid until 8 am Tomorrow.

Winds: Southeast at 8 to 16 mph and occasionally lighter.
Seas: 0.9 to 1.5 metres or 3 to 5 feet.
Weather Forecast for St. Kitts & Nevis: Weather today: Partly sunny with a 50
percent or a moderate chance of brief showers.

Weather tonight: Partly cloudy with a 30 percent or a low chance of brief showers.
Eastern Caribbean Forecast: A relatively warm gentle to moderate wind flow could allow for some weak unstable conditions to develop across the area thus increasing the chance for rainfall activity. Additionally, due to daytime heating significant showers could materialize mainly for Puerto Rico and Trinidad and to a
lesser extent on the northwestern coast of the smaller islands. Radiative overnight cooling will also keep the chance for showers at moderate for most of the area.

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