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Weather forecast for Monday 12th August, 2024. (7am)

Published 12 August 2024

Buckie Got It

St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Valid until 8:00am, Tuesday 13th August, 2024.

Weather Bulletin
Issued at: 7 am
Present Weather: Partly Cloudy Skies with showers in the vicinity Winds: A moderate breeze of 13 mph from the North-northeast Temperature: 28°C / 83°F Humidity: 90% Sea Level Pressure: 1015.4mbs or 29.98”
Sunrise: Tom: 5:54 am Sunset: Today: 6:38 pm

Weather Forecast Valid until 8 am Tomorrow.
Winds: Easterly at 12 to 23 mph with gusts possibly exceeding 35 mph.
Seas: 1.5 to 2.4 metres or 5 to 8 feet, a small craft advisory is likely to go in effect
later today.
Weather Forecast for St. Kitts & Nevis: Leading moisture and instability ahead of the tropical disturbance will continue to generate cloudy periods and showers throughout today; however, as the system comes closer to the area, tropical storm conditions are likely by tonight into tomorrow. Rainfall accumulation for the period could reach 50 mm or 2 inches. A Tropical Storm Watch is currently in effect; however, a Tropical Storm Warning may become necessary for St Kitts and Nevis later today.
Weather today: Partly cloudy to cloudy with a 60 percent or a moderate chance of showers.
Weather tonight: Increasingly cloudy with showers and thunderstorms.
EasternCaribbeanForecast: TheapproachingTropicalDisturbanceislikelyto affect conditions across the Eastern Caribbean from the Virgin Islands southwards to Trinidad and Tobago. Cloudy to overcast conditions are expected with showers and thunderstorms particularly for the Northern islands from tonight.

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