Published 7 January 2024
St Kitts, Basseterre,
Buckie Got It Media Source
Weather Bulletin
Issued at: 7 am Tuesday 7th January 2025.
Present Weather: Cloudy with showers in the vicinity
Winds: A gentle breeze of 12 mph from the east northeast
Temperature: 25°C / 78°F Humidity: 82%
Sea Level Pressure: 1015.5mbs or 29.98”
Sunrise: Tom: 6:43 am Sunset: Today: 5:52 pm
Weather Forecast Valid until 8 am Tomorrow.
Winds: East at 7 to 17 mph.
Seas: 1.2 to 1.8 meters or 4 to 6 feet.
Weather Forecast for St. Kitts & Nevis: Today will be mostly sunny with a 20
percent or a slight chance of showers. Tonight will be partly cloudy with a 20 percent
or a slight chance of showers.
Eastern Caribbean Forecast: Relatively stable conditions continue as a ridge
remains the dominant weather feature across the Eastern Caribbean. Brief periods
of cloudiness and showers are possible as low-level pockets of moisture move over
the Leewards and British Virgin Islands on the wind-flow. Across the southern
Caribbean, confluencing in the wind-flow will heighten the chance of showers across
those islands.