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Weather forecast for Thursday 30th January, 2025. (7am)

Published 30January 2025

Buckie Got It

St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Valid until 8:00am, Friday 31st January, 2025.

Weather Bulletin

Issued at: 7 am Present Weather: Fair skies with slight haze

Winds: A light air of 3mph

Temperature: 25°C / 77°F Sea Level Pressure: 1017.9mbs or 30.06”

Sunrise: Tom: 6:42 am Thursday 30th January 2025.

Humidity: 92%

Sunset: Today: 6:06 pm

Weather Forecast Valid until 8 am Tomorrow.

Winds: East at 9 to 16 mph.

Seas: 1.2 to 1.8 metres or 4 to 6 feet.

Weather Forecast for St. Kitts & Nevis: Weather today: Partly sunny with a 40 percent or a moderate chance of passing showers.

Weather tonight: Partly cloudy with a 40 percent or a moderate chance of passing showers.

Eastern Caribbean Forecast: Shallow patches of low level clouds will occasionally move across the islands. Conditions are likely to be mostly sunny to partly cloudy as the Atlantic high pressure system coupled with relatively dry mid to upper level environment will prevail over the next 24 hours. During this time, pockets of low level moisture moving across the area could trigger brief passing showers across some of the islands.

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