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Weather Forecast 8/2/2025(7am)

Published 8 February 2025

Buckie Got It

St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Weather Bulletin

Issued at: 7 am Saturday 8th February 2025.

Present Weather: Partly Cloudy skies with showers in the vicinity

Winds: A Gentle breeze of 9mph from the Northeast

Temperature: 24°C / 75°F Humidity: 90%

Sea Level Pressure: 1016.5mbs or 30.01”

Sunrise: Tom: 6:40 am Sunset: Today: 6:10 pm

Weather Forecast Valid until 8 am Tomorrow.

Winds: Easterly at 10 to 21 mph with possible gusts up to 31 mph.

Seas: 1.2 to 2.1 metres or 4 to 7 feet. Small craft operators should exercise caution.

Weather Forecast for St. Kitts & Nevis:

A broad area of high pressure is the dominant feature across the area. Moisture embedded within the moderate to fresh wind flow could generate shower activity.

Weather today: Partly cloudy with a 40 percent or a moderate chance of showers.

Weather tonight: Partly cloudy with a 50 percent or a moderate chance of showers.

Eastern Caribbean Forecast: A moderate to fresh breeze caused by the presence

of a ridge will continue to transport shallow clouds and moisture over the islands of the Eastern Caribbean. Skies over the islands from Puerto Rico eastwards to theLeewards and southwards to Trinidad and Tobago will be generally partly cloudy with brief periods of localize cloudiness accompanied by brief passing showers

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