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Weather Forecast 11/02/2025 (5pm)


Published 11 February 2025

Buckie Got It

St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Weather Bulletin

Issued at: 5pm Tuesday 11th February 2025

Present Weather: Cloudy Skies

Winds: A moderate breeze of 14 mph from a Northeasterly direction

Temperature: 26°C / 79°F Max Temp: 29°C / 84°F Humidity: 67%

Sea Level Pressure: 1016.1mbs or 30.00”

24-hour rainfall at the R.L. Bradshaw Intl. at 2 pm: 0.3mm / 0.012’’

Amount of rainfall for the month of February: 24.6mm / 0.97″

Sunrise: Tom 6:39 am Sunset: Tom 6:11 pm

Weather Forecast Valid until 8 pm Tomorrow.

Winds: Easterly at 14 to 24 mph with higher spells over coastal waters and possible gusts to 35 mph mainly in and around showers.

Seas: 1.8 to 2.4 meters or 6 to 8 feet tonight and increasing to 2.8 meter or 9 feet tomorrow. A small craft advisory is in effect while a small craft warning will go into effect tomorrow mainly for the waters east of the islands.

Forecast for St. Kitts and Nevis: A moderate to fresh breeze will continue to push shallow clouds and pockets of moisture over the Leewards and their coastal waters. The breeze will also cause hazardous marine conditions mainly in the waters north and east of the islands

Weather tonight: Brief cloudy periods with a 70 percent or high chance of brief passing showers

Weather tomorrow: Brief cloudy periods with a 60 percent or moderate chance of brief passing shower

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