Crime/Justice, News

Man suffers gunshot injury during armed robbery #

Published 10 April 2017

BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, April 10th 2017 – Reports of another shooting and robbery in St. Kitts and Nevis.


Kyle Bridgewater was shot in the shoulder, gun-butted and robbed last Saturday afternoon, April 8th, in the Boyd’s Village community.

One report said Bridgewater and a male companion were walking in hills overlooking Boyd’s Village around 1.30 pm, when they were attacked by heavily armed gunmen, who robbed them of an undisclosed amount of cash.

 Bridgewater reportedly received a bullet wound to his shoulder and was transported to the J. N. France General Hospital for treatment of his injury.

 His companion was not hurt.

 Police have confirmed the incident and are carrying out investigations.

 There have been several shooting incidents so far for the year.


On January 4, bread bus driver Kazemel Maynard of St. Paul’s sustained gunshot wounds to his chest and hand in a robbery attempt in the Farm’s Housing Project in Sandy Point, St. Kitts.

 On January 4th, Carlyle Liddie suffered injuries to his hip, shoulder and abdomen after he was attacked by an unknown gunman in Crab Hill, Sandy Point, St. Kitts.

. On January 6th, Darren Webster, 25; and Calvert Francis, 20 were attacked by gunmen in the Green Tree Housing Project, St. Kitts.

 January 21st, a juvenile in the Ms Knight, Basseterre area was shot in the left leg by an unknown gunman.

 March 1st Jacqueline Buchanan of Sandy Point, St. Kitts, was shot and injured in an arm and hospitalised.

 March 4th, the home of Jacqueline Buchanan of Sandy Point was riddled with bullets. No injuries reported.

 March 10th, the Crab Hill residence and vehicle of Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Shawn K. Richards were attacked by gunmen. No injuries but damage to the home and vehicle reported.

 March 30th – Police fired shots at a would-be burglar who attempted to break into the Pelican Mall, Basseterre.

 April 1st – A man in Bath Village, Nevis sustained an injury to his leg during an altercation with two unknown assailants.

 St. Kitts and Nevis has recorded six murders and several shootings and armed robberies for the year.

 The Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force have reported a near 60 percent increase in crime in 2016 over 2015.

The total number of reported crimes in 2016 was 1643, compared to 1048 in 2015, with a triple digit increase in shootings and double digits increase in murder, break-ins, larceny, indecent assault, rape, unlawful carnal knowledge, non-firearm wounding, arson and drug-related offences.

The number of homicides increased from 28 to 31 over the comparative period, an increase of over 10%.

Breakings increased from 242 in 2015 to 415 in 2016, an increase of over 71%.

Larcenies increased by 81%, going from 215 in 2015 to 390 in 2016.

The incidences of ‘shooting at with intent’ showed marked increase of 160%, rising from 10 in 2015 to 26 in 2016.

Reported sex crimes including rape, indecent assault and unlawful carnal knowledge also increased by 25%, going from 36 in 2015 to 45 in 2016.

Wounding by firearms fell sharply from 15 in 2015 to 5 in 2016, a decrease of 66%, while wounding by other means rose by 65%, from 69 in 2015 to 114 in 2016.

Drug offences, namely possession, trafficking, importation of illegal drugs, went from 204 in 2015 to 275, an increase of 34%.

Malicious damage and arson almost doubled in 2016, going from 86 in 2015 to 167 in 2016, up 94%.

Offences under the category of other crimes also rose from 29 in 2015 to 47 in 2016.

The number of robberiesdecreased by 12%, falling from 65 in 2015 to 57 in 2015.

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