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Father says son “brutally murdered”

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Published 28 January 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

by: Media Source

Father says son “brutally murdered”

Basseterre, St. Kitts, January 28, 2018 – A St. Kits businessman said Sunday his 23-year-old son Shaquille Pemberton was “brutally murdered.”

“I just called to share some sad information with you all. I guess you all heard about the young man that they found at Gillard Meadows on Saturday. Unfortunately it’s my son… was brutally murdered,” said Nigel Arthurton in a voice note to friends in a chat group.

Arthurton operates a snackette on Victoria Road, and sells breakfast from his van at the Basseterre Ferry Terminal at mornings.

Police said Sunday, Pemberton’s body was found and “appears to have injuries to the chest.”

“However, circumstances surrounding the death of the deceased are still unclear,” the police statement said.

If the autopsy confirms Pemberton’s death unnatural, it would be the first murder for St. Kitts and the third for the Federation for 2018. The previous two murders occurred on Nevis.

On 17th January, 19-year-old Cleon Browne was gunned down in a hail of bullets as he walked along the road in Rawlins Village, Gingerland, Nevis.

Murder #2 occurred on January 21 when the body of Shirley Dawn Morton was found at the home of her boyfriend Wayne “Spyer” Chapman.

The Federation last year recorded 23 murders. There were 31 murders in 2016; 28 in 2015; 21 in 2014; 21 in 2013 and 18 in 2012.

Photo 1 – Nigel Arthurton

Photo 2 – Shaquille Pemberton



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