Published 14 February 2018
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
by: Media Source
Speaker Perkins’ Suspension Null; Konris A Victim Of Targeted Abuse
Speaker of the House, Hon. Michael Perkins may need to refresh his memory of the rules and regulations stipulat
A perfect example of his ineptitude is during yesterday’s sitting of the House of Assembly (Tuesday 13th Februar
Maynard’s ban came immediately following his reiteration of the Speaker’s comments, all while leaving the House after having properly dismissed himself.
However, acting out of spite and egged on by hints and threats from Harris and the members on the government benches, Perkins, asked for a member to move a motion to name Maynard, after which he proceeded to issue the anti-democratic ban, completely neglecting what the rules of the House truthfully state.
Commenting on the matter, Hon. Maynard stated that had Speaker Perkins been fully aware of the rules that govern the House, he would have known that such a ban is not applicable at this point.
Notably, to impose a ten-day ban on any member, the member would have had to be suspended prior for a period of five days.
Despite, Hon Maynard educating the Speaker of the right procedure, Perkins, stated that he would do his research after the House had obviously proceeded with the ban as a tactical attempt to dampen the spirit of the member.
To this, Hon. Maynard said, “I have not been officially suspended from the House before. The records will show that I’ve only been asked to withdraw.”
Maynard has confidently disclosed that he will be attending the next sitting of Parliament, as he was not duly suspended.
“I intend to iron my clothes early and attend the next parliament.”
Maynard also disclosed his intentions to pen a letter to the Speaker, as a means to provide proper information and procedure required to deal with the situation at hand.
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