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Published 13 March 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

by Media Source


The St Kitts Labor Party has been reeked and punctuated with nepotism from as early in the 80s but has reached the epitome in the 2000s under Dr Douglas, where the following families have reportedly benefitted tremendously while Dr. Douglas was Prime Minister.

Both Marcella and Douglas would have us believe that there was an absence of nepotism within the SKLP over the years but they have prompted me to ask the following questions.

Marcella, being the sister of Fitzroy Bug Bryant while he was the Minister of Education when he put her to teach, was that LIBURD’S NEPOTISM or was it because she had the qualification?

Fitzroy Bug Bryant, who was also the Attorney General, had, “selectively” placed his brother Karlweis Liburd to be a big Magistrate while other senior lawyers were denied, was that LIBURD’S NEPOTISM or it had to do with his qualification?

Juni Liburd also got a big position at ZIZ when his brother Fitzroy was a Government Minister in the Bradshaw Government, was that LIBURD’S NEPOTISM or it had to do with his qualification?

During this same time period Lady Anne, may her soul rest in peace, who was a close friend of Robert Bradshaw, also got employed by the Government in a very SENIOR POSITION and again the question is asked. Was that LIBURD’S NEPOTISM or that had to do with her friendship? Her husband Clement also worked in the Ministry of Health. Was this LIBURD’S NEPOTISM or it had to do with their qualifications?

Marcella Liburd is in an excellent position to explain how her brother Juni got  elevated positions at ZIZ; at the Ministry of  Agriculture and at the closing of the Sugar Industry and then again as Director of Communications. Even after he retired and came back into the service time and time again while other plebian people who were not a part of the Liburd’s clan, NEVER got such lofty benefits and again the question is asked. Was that LIBURD’S NEPOTISM or it had to do with his qualification?

Dr. Douglas’ sister Henrietta, who was around 60 years old at that time, became a nurse and the Director of Nursing or suchlike positions while Dr Douglas was the Prime Minister, was that a DOUGLAS’ NEPOTISM, or did it have to do with Henny’s qualification?

Furthermore, Dr. Douglas’ sister Henrietta was sent off for training to Taiwan although she was approaching her Social Security pension age, an age which was far above the retirement age, nevertheless, she was pushed ahead of many younger and brighter young qualified nurses who would have given more quality years of nursing service to the country. These younger nurses were more in touch with the local people as opposed to Henrietta who had spent most of her working years in the USA. Dr. Douglas was the Minister for Training and Personnel at that time, yet he sent off his OLD sister Henrietta Douglas to Taiwan. Was that a DOUGLAS’ NEPOTISM or it had to do with Henrietta’s qualification?

Peter Douglas, the brother of Dr Douglas, was the first person to have received a DUTY FREE VEHICLE when Dr. Douglas became PM. Peter [ just like the Trump’s daughter Ivanka, was made an advisor in the White House] was also appointed as a Senior Advisor to Dr. Douglas on matters of National Security. OMG, and again the question is asked! Was this an example of DOUGLAS’ NEPOTISM or it had to do with his qualification?

Rupert Herbert was Education Minister and his son Chris Herbert was promoted to be Head Teacher at Sandy Point when there were more qualified experienced senior teachers than him. Was that HERBERT’S NEPOTISM or it had to do with Chris’ qualification?

Again Minister of Education Rupert Herbert’s daughter was given a preferential teaching position at the Basseterre High School. Was that HERBERT’S NEPOTISM or it had to do with her qualification?

While being Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of Saint Kitts and Nevis the family the Hon Cedric Roy Liburd, became Head Teacher of the St Peters primary school and subsequently became Head at the Government Printery being elevated above all those other persons who were in line and again the question is asked! Was that LIBURD’S NEPOTISM or it had to do with her primary school qualification?

The Hon Glen Ghost Phillip’s wife got promoted to the position of Deputy Comptroller of Customs only after Ghost became a Government Minister and again the question is asked! Was that PHILLIP’S NEPOTISM or it had to do with her qualification?

There were people in that Ministry with many years of service and senior to Mrs. Phillip’s and were far more knowledgeable than her.  Cable’s wife was overlooked for the position and again the question is asked! Was this PHILLIP’S NEPOTISM or it had to do with her qualification?



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