Published 11 April 2018
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
Police Press Release: Report of arrests, convictions and other activities April 04-09, 2018

By: (RSCNPF), Press Release
Basseterre, St. Kitts, April 11, 2018 (RSCNPF): Below is a report of arrests, convictions and other activities recorded by the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force for the period April 04-09, 2018.
Arrested: Corrie Lawrence of Cherry Gardens, Nevis was arrested, formally charged and cautioned for the offence of Forgery which was committed between June 2010 and September 2016.
Arrested: Cavid Adams of Gillard Meadows was arrested, formally charged and cautioned for the offence of House Break-in and Larceny committed on March 17, 2018.
Arrested: Nasio Jeffers of Cotton Ground Village was arrested, formally charged and cautioned for the offence of Possession of Cannabis.
Arrested/Bailed: Jevon Maynard of Neverson Street, Newtown was arrested, formally charged and cautioned for the offence Throwing Missiles. He was granted bail in the sum of $7,000 for his appearance at the Basseterre Magistrate Court on April 09, 2018.
Arrested/Bailed: Dwight Edwards of Conaree was arrested, formally charged and cautioned for the offence of Driving Without a Valid and Unexpired License and Driving Without Insurance. He was granted bail in the sum of $2,500 for his appearance at the Dieppe Bay Magistrate Court on May 14, 2018.
Arrested/Bailed: Kevaughn Browne also known as Sharpe of Salt Pond Alley was arrested, formally charged and cautioned for the offences of Possession of Cocaine and Possession of Cocaine with Intent to Supply. He was granted bail in the sum of $5,000 for his appearance at the Basseterre Magistrate Court on May 14, 2018.
Arrested/Bailed: Diquion Lesroy Caines of Upper College Street was arrested, formally charged and cautioned for Driving Without a Valid and Unexpired Driver’s License and Driving Without Insurance. He was granted bail in the sum of $5,000 for his appearance at the Basseterre Magistrate Court on May 03, 2018.
Bailed: Zaviel Jeffers who was charged for the offence of Manslaughter was granted bail in the sum of $100,000 for his appearance at a time and date to be fixed by the Court.
Bailed: Mahseeka Zeenya Bartlette of Cunningham was charged for the offence of Driving Without a Valid and Unexpired Driver’s License and Driving Without Insurance. As a result of her bail being surrendered, she was granted a second bail in the sum of $8,000 for her appearance at the Basseterre Magistrate Court on May 03, 2018.
In matters at the Basseterre Magistrate Court, presided over by Ms. Josephine Mallalieu, the following were reported:
Abandoned Properties Searched: Police continued to execute searches on properties. Most recently they were done in the areas of New Road, Carifesta Village, Cayon, St. Johnson Village, Carty Alley and Sandy Point.
Marijuana Plants Uprooted: Officers of District ‘B’ reported that they uprooted about fifty-one (51) marijuana plants ranging from seedling to mature plants in the Cayon area.
Search Warrants Executed: Police executed several search warrants during the period of this report. Warrants were executed on properties in the following areas: Cunningham Street, Mad House Alley, Fiennes Avenue, McKnight, Gingerland and Conaree.