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Kennyate Tyson: “Your first duty is to expeditiously heal this country and bring our people together”

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Published 28 May 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

By: Media Source

Kennyate Tyson: “Your first duty is to expeditiously heal this country and bring our people together”
Basseterre, St. Kitts, May 28, 2018 – A second year law student at the Clarence Fitzroy Bryant College (CFBC) has told the leadership of the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP) that its first duty on regaining political office in the near future is to “expeditiously heal this country and bring our people together.”
He declared that young people in St. Kitts and Nevis are not content with substandard that has been set since the change of government in 2015.

“We will not sit by and allow our country to be dragged into the abyss of retardation and moral turpitude anymore. We stand ready to take back our country. It was not willingly given, it was stolen! The drawing of demarcations and divisions among our people cannot proceed. It is an entire reverse of what we marched and fought against in the 1940s. We the youth are the future of this country and we do not and we will not support any marginalisation or victimisation of anyone because of their political difference or any other difference. We, in this country are a happy breed of people, and we do not deserve this ill-treatment by a government that has a duty to care for us,” said Tyson to the over 800 delegates and invited guests attending the public session of the 86th Annual Conference of the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP).
Tyson, a former Student Government President at the Cayon High School said “too many families were affected by victimisation and a country that is divided cannot move forward.”
His second challenge to the Labour Party leadership is that young people need the opportunities for employment and investment.
“Equal opportunity for all- and not just family or friends- this is what we will vote for in the next election. We need the opportunity to excel, and express ourselves. We are not less than any other youth in other countries. We are just as talented. We are just as intelligent and we are just as gifted and even more. And, from my little experience and knowledge, the Labour Party has proven to be the party for equal opportunities and we will expect nothing less when this party is returned to government,” Tyson said.
“We need a government that will keep its word of commitment, transparency and accountability to its people. It cannot be business as usual when the party returns to government. We will need to set new standards of excellence in all areas of our country. We need an administration that is free from corruption. It is time to restore our reputation, as we are not happy with what we have sunken to over recent times,” said Tyson, who also attended the Washington Archibald High School where he was an influential student who helped and encouraged the outcasts of society, the remedial students, and those affiliated with gangs.
He said quality leadership and equal opportunities in a transparent atmosphere must be the new paradigm.
“This is what young people are demanding and the St Kitts-Nevis Labour Party has been and I challenge you to always be the party of choice for our expectations. I challenge the party to be stronger, safer and better for all of us as we need our country, this other Eden, to return to our merited and envied office as #1 the Eastern and wider Caribbean, politically, economically and socially,” said Tyson, who noted:
“Our expectations as young people coincide with the theme and mandate of this party I assure and commit the efforts and support of the youth of this Federation to the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party as the party of choice in the upcoming general election.”
“In times like these we need a saviour. And so, I pray that God would continue blessing us a people and to bless the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party as we ready ourselves for leadership.”
Photo: Kennyate Tyson addressing the 86th Annual Conference of the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party (SKNLP)

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