Published 25 March 2019
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
During the last Community Consultation town hall meeting held at the St. Johnston Community Center in West Basseterre, a number of residents used the occasion to speak publicly and proudly of how the policies and programmes of the Team Unity administration have positively impacted their lives.Mr. Glenville Mills, a resident of Sandy Point, stated at that meeting that the record of the Team Unity Government, in just four years in office, speaks for itself.
“I want us to be realistic and reflect, think and look back because if you compare a mere four years in office [by the Team Unity Government] to the 20-plus years [of the former administration], this Government should go back in Government with an even stronger mandate,” said Mr. Mills.
Mr. Mills commended the Government on the introduction of its social assistance initiatives, such as the highly successful hurricane roof repair programme and the historic Poverty Alleviation Programme.
He added, “Never in the history [of St. Kitts and Nevis] since I was born you heard of people getting $500 every month. This speaks volume. This is a significant achievement and the people of this country must continue to rally behind the Team Unity Government.”
Another individual, identified as Karen Hodge, said that the more than 2,600 households that have benefited from the roof repair programme have every reason to be thankful, as she noted that for many years, hurricanes have wreaked havoc across St. Kitts and Nevis and never before the advent of Team Unity, has there been such a comprehensive response like the roof repair programme under the former administration.
A resident of Constituency Three (West Basseterre) singled out the intervention of Team Unity’s Caretaker for that constituency, Senator the Honourable Akilah Byron-Nisbett, for assisting him in getting his roof fixed under the Government’s roof repair programme, following the passage of the 2017 hurricanes.
Popular social commentator, Mr. Elvis ‘Jam Down’ Manners, used the opportunity of the town hall meeting to state that the Honourable Akilah Byron-Nisbett has so far proven herself to be an excellent ambassador for the needs of the people of Constituency Three.
“I see the potential of where she can take this community,” Mr. Manners declared. “She has what it takes and she deserves a chance, and I think she will get that chance because I see the young women of Constituency Three rallying behind her and we, in other constituencies, have to do the same.”
The next in the series of Community Consultation town hall meetings being hosted by the Team Unity Government is slated for Tuesday, March 26 at 7:30pm at the Sandy Point Community Center in Constituency Five.

Photo: Prime Minister Dr. the Hon. Timothy Harris greets resident at town hall meeting.
Photo: Glenville Mills speaking at the Community Consultation town hall meeting in West Basseterre
Photo: Mr. Elvis ‘Jam Down’ Manners addressing those in attendance at the town hall meeting.