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PM Harris salutes Bishop and First Lady Minister Hepburn for their contribution to the development of God’s Kingdom

Published 3 June 2019

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source


PM Harris salutes Bishop and First Lady Minister Hepburn for their contribution to the development of God’s Kingdom


BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, June 3, 2019 (PLP PR Media Inc.) — Prime Minister Dr the Hon Timothy Harris on Sunday June 2 joined worshippers at the Word of Life New Testament Church of God, Central Street in Basseterre, for a special anniversary service held to commemorate 20 years of Pastoral Service by Bishop Matthew Hepburn and his wife First Lady Minister Lindalee Hepburn.

Accompanied by Senior Minister and Minister of Ecclesiastical Affairs the Hon Vance Amory and Deputy Speaker Senator the Hon Akilah Byron-Nisbett, Prime Minister Harris told the congregation that they had come to worship with them and to give thanks to God for the contribution Bishop Hepburn and his wife Lindalee have made to the development of God’s Kingdom.

Dr Harris observed that it has always been a special blessing for them to worship in the church, saying: “It is alive – you sing songs of praises. The message is direct and inspiring and you leave the church fulfilled and enriched. This is the kind of church that encourages us to come back again, and so we have come today.”

The Hon Prime Minister thanked his Cabinet colleague, the Hon Vance Amory, who had travelled from Nevis to attend the special anniversary service, and Deputy Speaker the Hon Senator Akilah Byron-Nisbett for coming to lend her own support to the endeavour. He also thanked members of the women’s group from Constituency Seven who attended the service. The group was led by Mrs Sonia Henry.

“So I want to thank them all and thank all of you and to encourage you not get weary in doing good – not to get weary in promoting the Word of God in our own lives, in the lives of our families, in the lives of our communities and most importantly in the life of our country because we are a country and a nation that proudly proclaims that we are a Christian community,” said the Prime Minister. “To God we give all glory, and we thank Him for spared lives this morning and an opportunity to come into the House of God once more, to proclaim His love and to encourage the man and woman of God in your church to continue to do well.”

Prime Minister Harris announced that the Hon Vance Amory, the Minister of Ecclesiastical Affairs, has organised for a small token of appreciation to be made available for Bishop Hepburn and noted that it will be delivered during the course of the week.

Delivering the sermon, which was based on Deuteronomy 28: 1:13, was Prophet Devon McSween of the Faith Deliverance Tabernacle Rhema in Grenada. Before delivering the sermon he invited Bishop Hepburn to help him anoint Prime Minister Harris, Minister Amory, and Senator Byron-Nisbett as he (Prophet McSween) prayed for them.

“I declare and I prophesise favour over you and I declare that everything that you touch in this season shall prosper – everything that you touch,” said Prophet McSween as he prayed for Hon Byron-Nisbett. “You are about to take the youth of this nation to another level. Lord is about to use you to turn around the young people in this nation, for they shall follow you because in this this season you are the next Esther.”

As he prayed for the Hon Amory, Prophet McSween said: “Things other persons want done and cannot get done, because of the humility that is on you, and because of the honesty in your spirit, things that normally they would not have signed, they will sign just because of you – because there is an honourable man on the inside of you.”

Praying for Prime Minister Harris, Prophet McSween said: “I speak blessing in those hands. I speak healing in those hands. I speak favour in those hands. I speak prosperity in those hands. I speak wealth in those hands. I speak increase in those hands right now in the name of Jesus Christ. I come against every demonic attack that the enemy will want to bring against this man of God – we speak against it right now in the name of Jesus Christ.”


Picture captions:

1: L-R: Prophet Devon McSween, Prime Minister Dr the Hon Timothy Harris, First Lady Minister Lindalee Hepburn, Bishop Matthew Hepburn, Senator the Hon Akilah Byron-Nisbett, and the Hon Vance Amory.

2: Prime Minister Dr the Hon Timothy Harris (right), with Senator the Hon Akilah Byron-Nisbett, and the Hon Vance Amory during the special anniversary worship service.

3: Prophet McSween and Bishop Hepburn pray for Prime Minister Harris, Senator Byron-Nisbett, and the Hon Vance Amory. Giving support is Church Elder and Director of the Ushers Mr E. Alexander St. Juste.

4: A commemorative plaque from the church is presented to Bishop Matthew Hepburn, left, by Deacon Mr Cleveland St. Valle, President of the Men’s Fellowship Department.

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