Published 21 February 2020
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
Basseterre, St. Kitts, February 21, 2020 (SKNIS): History and Heritage Month, which is celebrated in St. Kitts and Nevis in February annually, was created to educate the population on the Federation’s past, and the rich culture of its people, said Percival Hanley, Chairman of the History and Heritage Committee. This year’s celebration emphasizes the theme “The Life We Lived; The People We Have Become.”
History and Heritage Month 2020 was declared open by the Honourable Shawn Richards, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Education and Culture, on January 30.
During his appearance on ‘Working for You’ on Wednesday, February 19, Mr. Hanley explained the origin of the history and heritage celebrations in St. Kitts-Nevis noting that the concept was the brainchild of the late Sir Probyn Innis, former Governor and well-known Historian.
“This was started roughly 15 years ago by Sir Probyn Innis, who was then the President of the Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park Society. Sir Probyn thought it was necessary to highlight, educate and bring awareness to our population about our history and heritage and therefore, he thought of the idea of history and heritage week, said Mr. Hanley.
Mr. Hanley said that initially the celebrations lasted for a week, but because the activities “began to grow in content, it was more desirable to spread it over a longer period and to leave it as a month of activities rather than a week.”
History and Heritage Month features outreach activities held by various organizations including the Brimstone Hill Fortress National Park Society, Department of Culture, and Ministry of Education, the Nevis Historical and Conservation Society, the St. Christopher National Trust and other partner agencies.
The activities for History and Heritage Month 2020 such as the launch of a Library Book Display and a National Trust Exhibition, a panel discussion, a hike, a Primary School quiz and a Cultural Fair and Exhibition are designed to provide a space to teach and learn about the Federation’s heritage and history and to inspire greater patriotism.
On Thursday, February 27, there will be the Sir Probyn Innis Memorial Lecture 2020 at the UWI Open Campus in St. Kitts and in Nevis on Wednesday,February 26 at the Anglican Church Hall. In Nevis, there will also be an Evening of the Arts on Saturday, February 22 at Alexander Hamilton House Grounds, and Heritage Day on Saturday, February 29, which will include Coconut Walk/New River Tour and Story Telling.