Published 7 April 2020
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
COVID-19 fight: Amory Bakery to give free bread on Thursday April 9
BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, April 7, 2020 (MMS-SKN) — Citizens’ and residents’ fight against the COVID-19 pandemic under the State of Emergency Regulations received a shot in the arm with the announcement that the Basseterre-based Amory Bakery will give bread for one day to all irrespective of whether they are customers of the popular bakery or not.
“I would like to announce that Amory Bakery will be giving free bread on Thursday April 9, from the time that we are allowed to open until the time we are allowed to close,” said Mr Ernest Amory, Chairman of Amory Enterprises, on Monday April 6 at the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) COVID-19 Daily Briefing at NEMA Headquarters. “Each person will receive three large loaves of bread, along with three buns.”
Mr Amory, who reminded that in December 2010 the bakery had given away 17,000 loaves of bread, observed that the country is approaching Easter and the gesture of giving free bread on Thursday is to ensure that people have something to eat now that the country is going through crises brought about by the COVID-19 epidemic.
Giving the analogy of people in a ship that is in serious trouble in rough waters, he said that all need to work together to make sure that the ship does not sink, and to show support to the captain of the ship, Dr the Hon Timothy Harris and his Cabinet colleagues.
He observed that sometimes during crises like what the country is facing, people tend to only think about themselves. He however advised that this is the time people need to think about others.
“Whether you are a customer or not, you are welcome and we continue to do what we can,” said Mr Amory. “In addition to the free bread that we will give away on the 9th, I would like to announce that all hospitals and clinics in St. Kitts will also receive free bread every day, once we are allowed to open to produce the bread, until the end of May, and after that date depends on what happens, we will continue.”
Amory Bakery, which celebrated its 70th anniversary last December, will also give free bread to the Infirmary, and the St. Christopher Children’s Home.
Asked how the expected large crowd will be handled, Mr Amory said: “We will have to discuss this with the police to make sure everything is done in order. My suggestion will be to have persons either to start from Fort Street coming up, or Victoria Road going down.”
Persons coming for the free bread will not have to enter the bakery as they will pick it up in front of the garage in the building, and the area will be cordoned off with railings. Those who do not want to be on the waiting line for their products, they can still purchase bread on Wednesday April 8 at a discount of 20 per cent. That offer, Mr Amory noted, will continue until the end of April.
“I would like to make an appeal to members of the public who would like to assist in wrapping the bread, a maximum 20 persons who have their food handlers’ permit, to call the bakery and we will give them a time when they will have to come in to assist,” announced Mr Amory.
Mr Abdias Samuel, Chairperson of the National COVID-19 Task Force, and National Disaster Coordination at NEMA, on behalf on Mr Amory, advised that essential workers will be given time special consideration and will get their bread between 6:00 am and 7:30 am on Thursday.