Published 19 April 2020
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
Social Security COVID-19 response: Payments begin on April 20 for self-employed persons and employees
BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, April 18, 2020 (PLP PR Media Inc.) — Self-employed persons and employees whose incomes have been impacted as a result of the COVID-19, and who have applied for assistance, will start receiving payments from the St. Christopher and Nevis Social Security Board as from Monday April 20.
“I am aware that on Monday, Social Security Board will begin the first batch of payments with respect to self-employed persons and those employees who would have lost income as a result of the COVID-19,” reported Prime Minister and Minister of People Empowerment and Sustainable Development, Dr the Hon Timothy Harris, who was a guest on the popular WINN-FM’s Inside the New Programme on Saturday April 18.
According to the Honourable Prime Minister, who appeared on the programme hosted by Mr Clive Bacchus along with the Chief Medical Officer Dr Hazel Laws, the employees are principally persons engaged in the tourism and hospitality services. The self-employed category is a wide group that would include the braiders, primate vendors, taxi men, vegetable vendors and other persons who are involved in other self-employment.
Prime Minister Harris had announced, at his monthly press conference held on Tuesday March 24 at the Ocean Terrace Inn’s conference room under the topic COVID-19 – Economic Response, that the Social Security Board had established a special fund of about $15 million to assist with income support up to a maximum of $1,000 per month for workers whose income would have been impacted by the COVID-19.
“The Social Security Board has advised it will begin the first payment,” said Dr Harris on Inside the News Programme. “So some persons will be processed for Monday, and I gather, expected every day thereafter, to the extent the necessaries are fulfilled that persons will be paid. So, on Monday the first batch of self-employed persons and employees who would have lost income as a result of the COVID-19 will be in receipt of the $1,000 commitment from Social Security.”
While the Social Security payment of $1,000 begins on Monday, it does not mean that everyone will get their payment on Monday because the necessaries in relation to processing have to be completed, and that relates to both self-employed and employees
He also clarified that the $1,000 may be adjusted if the person is not fully out of work, giving the example of one working on reduced days and is earning for example $200 per month. That person would then get a top-up of $800 so that his minimum earnings would be $1,000.
Prime Minister Harris also advised that in order to assist with, and to allow persons to benefit from the easement in the Regulations, the government has determined that the Government Auxiliary Employees (GAEs) and Skills Training Empowerment Training Programme (STEP) workers will be paid early, on Thursday 23rd of April.
Thursday April 23 and Friday April 24 are the two additional days next week that are reserved for persons to go about their normal business. When out there on those days, persons are expected to always abide by the Regulations which call for the wearing of masks, and the observance of the six-feet distancing protocol.
“So those persons (GAEs and STEP workers) will be facilitated with early payment,” noted Dr Harris. He also added: “I gather in terms of the government as a whole, arrangements are also being made for early payment. The Accountant-General should have and will make the necessary announcement.”