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Revitalised Team Unity Cabinet to return country to prosperity post Covid-19

Published 15th June 2020

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Revitalised Team Unity Cabinet to return country to prosperity post Covid-19

BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, June 15, 2020 (PLP PR Media Inc.) — Prime Minister Dr the Hon Dr Timothy Harris on Sunday evening June 14 unveiled Team Unity Administration’s second five-year term Cabinet of a talented team of nine elected and two nominated ministers who will steer the country to a good place post Covid-19.

“As a result of your votes on the 5th of June, we have assembled a talented team,” said Prime Minister Harris at a colourful swearing in ceremony of the new Cabinet held at the Warner Park Cricket Stadium and attended by hundreds of exuberant well-wishers and supporters, and watched by thousands on TV and social media platforms across the globe.

“It took time to put the team together,” observed Dr Harris. “This is a larger team thanks to your support on Election Day – it is your team, and the team that you must support. My new Cabinet mixes the energy of youth and the wisdom of years of experience and ministers who have been involved in taking our country in the right direction over the last five years.”

The swearing in ceremony was held under distinguished patronage of the Governor General His Excellency Sir S. W. Tapley Seaton, GCMG, CVO, QC, JP, LL.D who also presented the ministers with the signed instruments of appointment.

The Ministers, from the three political parties that make the Team Unity coalition, the Peoples Labour Party (PLP), People’s Action Movement (PAM) and the Nevis-based Concerned Citizens Movement (CCM), took the Oath of Office, the Oath of Allegiance, and the Oath of Secrecy that were administered by Resident Judge, His Lordship Trevor Ward QC.

“This new revitalised Cabinet stands ready to deliver on the promise of a stronger and safer future” said the Honourable Prime Minister. “We are determined and eager to see that our plan for safer streets, for bigger and better homes, and more opportunities for our young people is implemented properly and successfully.”

He pointed to the nature of challenges facing the government that require each minister to perform at his or her very best, and cited the difficulties that have faced the people in recent months due to the unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic. He promised that Cabinet’s first order of business shall be to return the country to a good place post Covid-19.

“Times have been tough, and there are still challenges again as we navigate the difficult road to recovery, but with the new team that you have given me to choose from, I am confident that we can move beyond any obstacle that we face, and we can move forward to the stronger and safer future,” promised Prime Minister Harris.

Dr Harris, who was sworn in as Federation’s Prime Minister on Sunday June 7. was sworn in as the Minister of Finance, National Security, Sustainable Development, Constituency Empowerment, and Human Resource Management and Information.

The Hon Shawn Richards was sworn in as the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Infrastructure, Utilities, Post and Urban Development; Premier of Nevis the Hon Mark Brantley was sworn in as the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Civil Aviation, while the Hon Alexis Jeffers was sworn in as the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Marine Resources.

The Hon Lindsay Grant was sworn in as the Minister of Tourism, Transport and Ports; the Hon Eugene Hamilton as the Minister of Human Settlement, National Health Insurance, Social Security, Ecclesiastical Affairs, Social Development and Gender Affairs; and the Hon Eric Evelyn as the Minister of Environment and Cooperatives.

Of the two first time elected parliamentarians, the Hon Jonel Powell was sworn in as the Minister of Education, Youth, Sports and Culture, while the Hon Akilah Byron-Nisbett was sworn in as the Minister of Health, ICT, Entertainment, Entrepreneurship and Talent Development.

Senator Hon Wendy Phipps was sworn in as the Minister of International Trade, Industry, Commerce, Consumer Affairs and Labour; and Senator Hon Vincent Byron Jr. was sworn in as the Attorney General and Minister of Justice and Legal Affairs.

Present at the colourful ceremony included Deputy Governor General for Nevis Her Honour Hyleta Liburd, Governor General’s Deputy His Excellency Mr Michael Morton; and Federation’s first prime minister and only living National Hero Dr the Rt. Honourable and Rt. Excellent Hon Sir Kennedy Simmonds.

Others included Speaker of the National Assembly the Hon Michael Perkins, President of the Nevis Island Assembly the Hon Farrel Smithen, Nevis Island Administration Ministers the Hon Spencer Brand, and the Hon Hazel Brandy-Williams, members of the diplomatic and consular corps, and federal permanent secretaries.

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