Published 28 July 2020
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
Local teams dominate Constituency Seven Invitational domino tournament
BASSETERRE, ST. KITTS, July 28, 2020 (MMS-SKN) — As part of celebrations to mark the 25th anniversary of Constituency Number Seven Dr the Hon Timothy Harris Domino League, a special invitational domino tournament featuring four visiting teams playing against four specially selected local teams was held on Sunday July 26 at the Lodge Community Centre in Lodge Project.
After hugely competitive and entertaining games, two of the local teams made it to the finals. Among the spectators was sponsor of Constituency Number Seven Dr the Hon Timothy Harris Domino League, Prime Minister Dr the Hon Timothy Harris who is also the Area Parliamentary Representative for St. Christopher Seven.
Initially six visiting teams were expected, but only four turned up. With only eight teams taking part in the ‘Hon Prime Minister Dr Timothy Harris Constituency Seven Invitational’ tournament, the teams went straight to the quarter finals where two of the visiting teams advanced to the semis, and two fell by the way side.
The visiting teams were Taylor’s which was captained by Craig Tuckett, New Comers from New Town that was captained by Keithly Blanchette, Poor Man’s Pocket from Newton Ground captained by Carl Francis, and Til Ah Morning from Market Street, Basseterre, captained by Lennell ‘Ice Pop’ Warner.
Local teams meeting the visitors were made up of a mixture of players randomly selected from the fourteen teams taking part in the 25th anniversary of Constituency Number Seven Dr the Hon Timothy Harris Domino League and were identified by the names of their captains.
The captains were Allington Berridge of Phillips Domino Club, Samuel Wilson of Unstoppable Domino Club, O’Niel Thomas of Lodge Domino Club, and Jerome ‘Spy’ Clarke of Molineux Domino Club.
In the first round, the Jerome ‘Spy’ Clarke team humbled the visiting Taylor’s team 7-1, while the visiting New Comers team beat the Samuel Wilson team 7-5. The other two games were very close, which saw the visiting Poor Man’s Pocket team squeeze a 7-6 win over the Allington Berridge team. An equal score was recorded in the game between the O’Niel Thomas team who beat the visiting Til Ah Morning.
The games which were held under Covid-19 protocols and played under two tents outside the community centre in Lodge Project were interrupted by failing light, and one of the two semi-final games had to be completed inside the community centre.
The semi-final games were closely contested, with the winning teams scrapping through to the finals. The O’Niel Thomas team beat the visiting Poor Man’s Pocket 7-6, and the Jerome ‘Spy’ Clarke also beating New Comers 7-6.
With two local teams in the final, the players fought tooth and nail and in the end, the O’Niel Thomas team which included seasoned players Ericson ‘Wixie’ Wescott, Francil ‘Wazim’ Brombill, and McAllister Thomas carried the day by beating the Jerome ‘Spy’ Clarke team 9-6 in a game that ended at about 10:30 pm.