Published 28th January 2021
Buckie Got It,
Basseterre, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source
BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, January 28, 2021 (Press Unit in the Office of the Prime Minister) – His Excellency the Governor General, Sir S.W. Tapley Seaton, GCMG, CVO, QC, JP, LL.D, and Prime Minister Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris were among government ministers, permanent secretaries, senior government officials and church leaders who attended Thursday’s (January 28) special service at the Antioch Baptist Church in Lime Kiln, Basseterre held as part of the activities in observation of National Day of Prayer.
As part of the National Day of Prayer, churches across the Federation opened their doors to allow persons the opportunity to come and offer their prayers to the Almighty God.
Before delivering the Scripture Reading, which was taken from the Old Testament in the King James Version – 2 Chronicles Chapter 7 verses 12-15, Prime Minister Harris reminded the nation of the power of prayer, particularly during these difficult times.
“Today’s National Day of Prayer occurs at a critical moment in the history of our Federation and of our global community. Never before has this generation been so tested, and not in living memory have we needed to rely so deeply on our faith for guidance and for strength,” the prime minister said.
Dr. Harris added that Thursday morning’s service of prayer came under the shadow of COVID-19 and the devastation it has wreaked on the health of individuals and on the livelihoods of communities all around the world.
“We give thanks to God that, to date, our beloved Federation has been spared the worst of the virus’ ravage when compared with other nations. We pray for His continued blessing on our Federation of St Kitts and Nevis that He continues to keep us safe. But we also gather today under the light of hope, hope that we are winning the battle, and hope that brighter days lay ahead of us,” said Prime Minister Harris.
The St. Kitts Christian Council and the St. Kitts Evangelical Association offered special intercessory prayers for the nation’s frontline workers, businesses, and unemployed persons in our society.
Prayers were also offered for the nation’s security forces, the youth, the family, victims of gun and domestic violence, the Government, leaders in society, community organizations, and the entire Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.