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St. Kitts and Nevis’ Model Tourism Reopening

Published 16th February 2021


Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

St. Kitts and Nevis’
Model Tourism Reopening:

Lindsay F.P. Grant, Minister of Tourism, Transport and Ports
Interviewed by Caribbean Journal

BASSETERRE (16th February, 2021): Caribbean Journal today published an interview with the Hon. Lindsay F.P. Grant, Minister of Tourism, Transport and Ports titled St Kitts and Nevis’ Model Tourism Reopening.

Editor Alex Britell interviewed the Minister last week. In a wide ranging and in-depth interview, Caribbean Journal probed four specific topic areas including: The Federation’s successful management of the Covid-19 pandemic, the reopening of tourism, the “Vacation in Place” experience, and the outlook for travel in 2021 and 2022.

Caribbean Journal is the world’s largest website and a global leader in covering Caribbean travel and trade news. Attracting both consumers and travel agents, Caribbean Journal shares the latest news from new flights to luxury hotel openings. Caribbean Journal receives 800k unique monthly visitors to its site and reaches over 480k followers across social media. Caribbean Journal has a presence in St. Kitts’ main source markets with 69% of readers being in the US, 5.1% in the UK, and 4.8% in Canada. 

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