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EAT LOCAL: Video competition

video competition

Published 28 June, 2021
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source


video competition

Here’s the chance to win prizes by answering one question in a short video!

Submission deadline: July,9

Attending the competition is free and easy! You just need to answer a question down below in the video by any form, ex: drawing, dancing, etc. And submit your video!

What are the prizes?

First prize: trophy+ smartphone (sponsored by Royal Electronics) +

Dinner for 2 at Marshall’s (sponsored by Marshall’s restaurant)

Second prize: trophy+ vegetable box (Growboxkn) +

dinner for 2 at Poinciana (sponsored by Poinciana)

Third prize: trophy+ vegetable box (Farm box Fresh)+

Palm Court Gardens pool day pass for 4 people (sponsored by Palm Court Gardens)

How to win those prizes?

Make a 15 to 90 seconds video by answering one of the questions. Send the video to email: [email protected] before July,9. Then you get the chance to win those prizes! (There are more details down below)


1. What’s your favorite locally grown fruit or vegetable? what’s your favorite dish with that fruit/ vegetable? (You can just say it or show us how you cook it or draw it etc.)

2. Why choosing local grown foods is important? (For food security, country safety etc.)

3. Give 3 advantages of eating local grown foods. (Advantages for the environment, society etc.)

Any contents highlight the advantages of eating local grown foods are also welcome!  

Should you have any question, feel free to contact Mavvis Wu through

Whatsapp: +1(869) 6606880

Email: [email protected]

Candidates: All residents in St. Kitts except employees in Ministry of Agriculture.

Rules for the competition

Each person can only send one video.

The video should be 15 to 90 seconds. The content should highlight the advantages of eating local grown foods or answer a question. You can express your thoughts through any form, ex: drawing, dancing, cooking etc.

The content of the video will be checked to make sure it’s appropriate. We keep the right to reject the video if there’s anything inappropriate, ex: not original, violent, rude, etc.

Before July,9: submit videos.

Send you video to email account: [email protected]

Title of the email: video competiton+ your full name

Content should be included in the email

Your Full Name:

Contact number:

A 15 -90 seconds video

We will send you back an email to let you know we receive it.

July,10- July,13: judge by the committee

The committee will choose 10 videos out of all the videos base on 5 criteria:

a. relevance of eating locally

b. depth of the content

c. creativity

d. technique of performance

e. completeness of the video

July,14 to July, 20: vote by the publics

On July,14 the chosen 10 videos will be upload to Facebook page: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Marine Resources St Kitts.

Competition result will base on:
Thumbs and shares on FacebookEach thumb: 1 point Each share: 5 pointsThumbs and shares will only be count on Facebook page: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Marine Resources St Kitts.

July,22: First, second and third prize will be announced on Facebook page: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Marine Resources St Kitts.

Notify: we reserve the right to change the rules.

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