Published 19 August 2021
Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, August 19, 2021 (Press Unit in the Office of the Prime Minister) – Prime Minister Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris used last night’s (August 17) edition of the popular programme, Leadership Matters, to update the nation on the progress of certain elements of the comprehensive second stimulus package that was announced by the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis in July to help mitigate the negative impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Prime Minister Harris said these initiatives, which include an Income Support Programme, fuel subsidy for passenger bus owners and financial support for households with children living with disabilities, all form part of the Government’s commitment to ensuring that its citizens and residents not only have life but that they have the best quality of life possible.
“With regard to the popular Income Support Programme, a total of 3,663 applications have been received by the Ministry of Finance as of 16th August, 2021. A total of 1,528 applications have already been approved of which instructions were sent to the Treasury to pay 1,005 applicants. Arrangements are being made to have another 250 payments processed shortly,” the prime minister announced.
With respect to the fuel subsidy programme for passenger bus operators, it was revealed that a total of 101 applications have been received as of August 16. A total of 83 applications have been approved, of which 74 have been paid to date.
Additionally, some 118 applications have been approved for assistance through the disability support initiative. Of that amount, 112 have been paid to date. Arrangements are being made to have payments processed for six applicants.
Prime Minister Harris added, “With respect to support for the food truck vendors, a total of four applications have been received and approved by the Ministry of Finance. The payment details were submitted to the Treasury for processing. Meantime, my government has committed well over $100,000 to create a safe and secure area for the truck vendors to ply their trade at North Independence Square Street. We will ensure that everyone doing business there complies with COVID-19 protocols.”
The honourable prime minister said his Government is committed to ensuring “that to the extent we can, no one is being left behind.”