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The Carib Brewery is warning citizens against the crates challenge

Published 26 August 2021


Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News source

The Carib Brewery is warning citizens against the “crates challenge


Images showing a failed attempted at the “milk crate” challenge. (Images: PopBuzz.com / @albowmanceo via Twitter)


The Carib Brewery is warning citizens against the “crates challenge” that is currently trending on social media by local and foreign participants, as it may lead to serious injury or death.

Carib Brewery said in a media release that it has noted that the challenge has led already to serious bodily damage.

The crate challenge is a challenge where one is challenged to climb up stacks of crates at different levels, walk across stacks and climb down the stacks at the opposite end without falling. In most challenges the crates shake violently causing the participant to fall from great heights at times and resulting in serious bodily injuries.

The following is the statement from Carib Brewery, and signed The Management and Staff of Carib Brewery Limited…

“At Carib Brewery Limited, we believe in the celebration of life, and in our freedom as a people to do so responsibly. The health, safety and well-being of our staff, consumers and those around us who we may influence in some way or the other is our top priority, every day.

Because of our position, the Management and Staff of Carib Brewery Limited and Carib Brewery USA wish to categorically state that neither of our companies nor any of our brands endorse the current social media “Milk Crate Challenge” that is rapidly gaining in popularity, locally and abroad.

With everyone’s best interest in mind, we kindly encourage you not to engage in this challenge or attempting the use of crates or any such object to promote or participate in this current trend or similar activities. Already, it has lead to serious bodily damage and can result in loss of life.

Let’s continue to value and protect ourselves and each other in the best ways possible and continue to enjoy ourselves, responsibly.

Stay safe!”

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