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Pastor Bernard Boland Jr

Published 1 September, 2021


Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source 

3 years ago today, I met my Apostolic covering; Apostle Randall Furlow. Ever since that day, it has been a great journey.

In 3 years he has taught me so much and invested much more in myself and Hallal Praise Worship Tabernacle, of which we are eternally grateful. My prayer is that we would do many more years of ministry together and our bond will grow greater as the years go along.

When I see him, I experience humility and diversity of gifts. He imparts into his sons and daughters
prophetically and apostolically. Apostle is a gift from God for this end-time generation.

I actually traveled to Jamaica for the funeral of my spiritual mentor, the late Prophet Bonitto Sappleton and I never knew what God had instored for me on
that trip. I am elated and content with being a part of Ekklesia Global Fellowship. I know that there are greater things in the making for this fellowship of Kingdom minded Leaders.

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