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Hon. Shawn K. Richards said there is still TEAM UNITY, but without Timothy

Published 26 April 2022


Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

We are now at a new beginning.As true patriots of these two small islands, we must never doubt our abilities and resilience to recover from even the most difficult experiences-like we suffered in COVID-19.

Nor should we have any fear that St. Kitts & Nevis will continue to prosper in the coming future. Have no fear because there will be CONTINUITY and STABILITY.

The philosophy that united our approach is not dead. Team UNITY was and is a coalition of 3 parties-CCM, PAM and PLP.

Therefore, if One man departs, and there remains all the others, or put differently, if 3 parties make up TEAM UNITY and one has drifted away, TEAM UNITY remains with the 2 that continue to work together.

In other words, there is still TEAM UNITY, but without Timothy.

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