Published 9 June 2022
Buckie Got It, News Source
Basseterre, St. Kitts, June 09, 2022 (SKNIS): The Department of Environment continues to strongly support the recycling initiative in St. Kitts and Nevis especially as it relates to the 3 R’s principle of reducing, reusing, and recycling.
“We will support the three R’s because our mission is to conserve, preserve and protect, and once people reduce, reuse, and recycle then it assists in fulfilling our mission. So we will support any initiative,” said Lynelle Bonaparte, Conservation Officer in the Department of Environment, during her June 08 appearance on Working for You.
Joyce Chang, Project Coordinator at the Solid Waste Management Corporation (SWMC) shared similar sentiments adding that the three R’s help in less waste disposal, saving money, and being a more responsible consumer, thus reducing one’s carbon footprint.
“The three R’s, the concept, in the beginning, was about waste treatment, so you need to think about that. Try to reduce, not waste; reuse, continue to use the material, and then allow the material to go through the recycling process. This would help us to save the resources and then protect the environment,” said Ms. Chang.
Equally important, Ms. Chang said that the project which is dubbed the “Solid Waste Management and Recycling Project,” will bring direct economic benefits to St. Kitts and Nevis.
“Directly, it will help the Landfill because so far all the garbage goes to the Landfill. So the project can help save the operation and also the land loading for sure, as well as the reduction in pollution,” she said. “In the future, we will try to sell the recyclables to the outside, where we will get some income.”
Additionally, Ms. Chang indicated that the project will also create jobs as the intention is to hire people to assist with the work of recycling. She added that through promotional activities, people will also be given an opportunity to learn the process of recycling with the hopes of changing behaviors.
The US$ 1 million dollar project, which will run for three years, is aimed at reducing waste, enhancing sustainability, and promoting a healthy environment. The Department of Environment is the lead agency on the recycling project. It is being done in collaboration with the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Solid Waste Management Corporation, (SWMC).