Published 9 January 2023
Buckie Got It, St.Kitts and Nevis News Source
Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis
Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew’s Remarks
Prime Minister’s New Year’s Gala
Saturday 7th January 2023
My fellow citizens and residents,
I stand here before you in awe. My heart is overwhelmed, and I am truly honoured and grateful to have you here with me in celebration of a new year…a new beginning…new possibilities.
A mere 7 days ago, we stood on the threshold of a new year. Many of us attended Watchnight Services, some of us attended Balls and Fetes, and some of us enjoyed fireworks displays on our beaches. What we all had in common though was a sense of renewed hope. Hope for a better year than the last, hope for better health and successes, and hope for a better St. Kitts and Nevis.
Your St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party administration has met a myriad of challenges which we have tackled head-on. The challenges we face as a nation will not vanish overnight, but as I stand here at the start of 2023, I am filled with that renewed hope and optimism of better days to come.
So yes, the theme is quite appropriate—NEW BEGINNINGS.
It is a new beginning for us, the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party administration, but most importantly it is the start of new beginnings for you the citizens and residents of our beloved twin island Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis.
You, the people, have granted us the opportunity to serve you as your elected parliamentary representatives, and as your Ministers of government. This is a true privilege, and we intend to treat it as such by offering greater opportunities for advancement, and innovative programmes and policies that will not only transform your lives and livelihoods, but our Federation as a whole.
Your trust and confidence demonstrated in us at the polls are not taken lightly at all! We understand the mandate you have set before us, and we are ready to serve! We have committed ourselves to the tasks at hand and will work hard to make you proud of your homeland, as St. Kitts and Nevis progresses upwards on the economic ladder to regain the number one spot again!
With our Administration’s first budget now passed, we look forward to exciting times ahead. This new year will chart the course for success! Success in food security, green energy transition, economic diversification, sustainable industries, the Creative Economy, COVID-19 recovery, and social protection; the seven foundational pillars of the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party administration, that will guide our administration as we fulfill our pledge to transform St. Kitts and Nevis into a sustainable island state.
Exciting times!
Our objective is to advance towards becoming a sustainable island state because we hold as a core value, the belief that environmental resources must be protected and preserved, and that economic growth must be balanced by fairness and opportunities for all.
My dear citizens and residents, I am honoured to stand here as the Fourth Prime Minister of our great Federation. It is not a title that I take for granted. And it is for that reason that I work tirelessly and constantly challenge my A-team of ministers to be better every day.
So, thank you for your prayers, your unwavering support, your messages of encouragement and your passionate calls for us to be an administration of integrity, innovation and intelligence. Rest assured we will continue to strive to meet and exceed your expectations.
As we continue to celebrate this New Year with great hope and anticipation, let us also be intentional in our actions, be mindful, be grateful, be purposeful and enjoy the beauty of the world we are blessed with.
Happy New Year once again!
God Bless you!
God Bless our beloved Federation!