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The chairman of NHC, Mr Shawn White in collaboration with President of the St.Kitts and Nevis Contractors Association, Mr Lenox Warner

Published 22 March 2023


Buckie Got It News Source 

The chairman of NHC, Mr Shawn White and President of the St.Kitts and Nevis Contractors Association, Mr Lenox Warner, met to discuss ideas on how both entities can work together to foster a new relationship.

The focus of this meeting was to reassure the Association that they are an integral part of the NHC’s new housing revolution. One of the key takeaways from the meeting was that any new technology being undertaken by NHC must include all contractors and stakeholders who will be fully trained in these building methods. There will be a meeting held shortly with a larger subsection of our nation’s contractors to further discuss and brainstorm the way forward for construction methods and technologies in the Federation.

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