Published 4 April 2023
Buckie Got It Media Source
Basseterre, St. Kitts, March 31, 2023: On Monday, March 20, 2023, a consultation began to
enhance the Professionalization of the Teaching Force, a project approved for the Federation of
Saint Kitts and Nevis via UNESCO’s Participation Programs.
The St. Kitts and Nevis National Commission for UNESCO and Ministry of Education officials
welcomed Dr. Steve Nwokeocha, Executive Director of The Africa Federation of Teaching
Regulatory Authorities to the federation to facilitate the series of consultation. The project was
launched with a courtesy call on Minister of Education, the Hon. Dr. Geoffrey Hanley. Also
present were Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education, Mrs. Lisa Pistana; Senior
Assistant Secretary, Dr. Tricia Esdaille; Focal Point, Mrs. Carla Mills Diamond and Secretary
General to the St. Kitts and Nevis National Commission for UNESCO, Ms. Dorothy Warner.
According to Mrs. Diamond, chairperson of the core and steering committees, “The whole idea
of the project is to transition from an in-service model of teacher education to a pre-service
model of teacher education.” Mrs. Diamond continued by saying, “There must be a common
standard of what it means to be a teacher. In order to ensure that the process is culturally relevant
and that the outcomes reflect our national realities, consultations are necessary.”
During the course of the first week Dr. Nwokeocha met several stakeholders including senior
officials in the Ministry of Education, members of the steering committee for SKN Teachers’
Unions, and teachers of both primary and secondary schools, as well as staff from Early
Childhood Development Units to facilitate these consultations.
In week two, the consultant undertook a series of Capacity Building Workshops to train persons
to operate the National Teaching Council (NTC). Mrs. Carla Mills Diamond explained that these
workshops aim to cover the NTC’s Implementation Frameworks for Licensing and Registration,
National Teaching Standards, Supervision and Support, and Performance Assessment and
The consultant, Dr. Steve Nwokeocha, explained, “Once the pre-service model of teacher
education takes effect, teachers will be qualified before they are admitted into the profession.”
He further stated, “The teacher status is expected to increase and the quality of teaching and
learning will improve. Teachers from the federation will be internationally recognized as they
will be qualified and licensed to teach in other parts of the world.”
Dr. Geoffrey Hanley, Hon. Minister of Education, welcomed Dr. Steve Nwokeocha, and stated
that he is “Pleased that the MOE is implementing this project to enhance the teaching
profession.” This, he describes as “a turning point in education and a positive step towards
upgrading the profession to where it will be deserving of the label, ‘the noblest of professions’.”
Secretary General, Warner, said, “The National Commission is honoured to represent UNESCO
as it provides technical and financial support to the Ministry of Education to professionalize
teaching and raise the standards of education in St. Kitts and Nevis.
Ambassador David Doyle, who continues to lobby in support of projects at UNESCO
Headquarters, stated: “The arrival of Dr. Steve in St. Kitts and Nevis marks the continuity of one
of our flagship projects in cooperation with UNESCO to the professionalization of the teaching
force and strengthen the entire education system across the Federation. UNESCO’s unique
expertise in education policy development brings leading-edge guidance to St. Kitts and Nevis,
whether it be a national teacher qualification framework or developing a continuous professional
development programme. The relationship built over the past five years between the St. Kitts and
Nevis National Commission, Ministry of Education, the UNESCO Teacher Task Force
Secretariat in Paris and the Permanent Delegation to UNESCO has proven a versatile
arrangement in transforming the St. Kitts and Nevis’ education strategy alignment with best
professional teaching practices.”
The Ministry of Education and the National Commission for UNESCO are grateful that this
project is on its way to being successfully implemented. Thanks to the consultant, steering
committee and all stakeholders for their participation in transitioning the teaching force in St.
Kitts and Nevis to a higher level of professionalism.