Published 17 May 2023
Buckie Got It, St Kitts Nevis News Source
BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, May 17, 2023 (SKNIS) – Commissioner of the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force (RSCNPF), Mr. James Sutton has assured citizens and residents of the twin island Federation that the law enforcement body remains committed to the task of preserving law and order and maintaining peace and security for all.
Commissioner Sutton gave this assurance in a national address on Tuesday, May 16, 2023, in which he provided an update on the various operations and activities of the Police Force in carrying out its mandate.
“In an effort to reduce the incidences of criminal activity in the Federation, we saw it prudent to formulate ‘Operation Reassurance’ and launched it on April 4th. The following statistics are testimony to the operation’s successes we have since then recorded: search warrants executed – 42; mobile patrols – 143; foot patrols – 143; number of arrests – 14; number of firearms recovered – 6; number of tickets issued – 93; number of vehicles searched – 362; gang engagements – 7,” Commissioner Sutton revealed.
The Police Commissioner commended his officers for their continued hard work to ensure that the safety and security of the citizenry are maintained.
Mr. James said, “Their work in this regard has borne fruit to the tune of four of the five robberies committed in the month of April having already been solved. Such was achieved through the diligent work and dogged determination of our officers in the pursuit of justice. Their perseverance and stellar work are worthy of high praise. Indeed, even after ‘Operation Reassurance’ would have ended, the momentum and our thrust to curb crime and violence in St. Kitts and Nevis will be maintained.”
He added, “I wish to reassure the general public that the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force will neither falter nor waver in its commitment to the people. We, officers, have sworn to protect one and all; to uphold the law without fear or favour; and to relentlessly pursue justice for those who have been victims of any crime.”
Commissioner Sutton ended his address with a plea to the citizens and residents of the Federation to work in collaboration with the security forces, noting that, “Our success as officers of the law depends heavily on those whom the laws protect. Our duties are clearly defined, but our job’s success is not guaranteed without the public’s cooperation.”