Published 31 July 2023
Buckie Got It, St Kitts Nevis News Source
Basseterre, St. Kitts, July 31, 2023 (SKNIS): The long-awaited launch of the Department of Creative Economy took place on Friday, July 28, 2023, at Port Zante, the portal to the country’s cruise tourism sector, amidst much fanfare and promises of a world of opportunities for the Federation’s creatives and creative industry.
Speaking at the groundbreaking launch, Minister of the Creative Economy, Honourable Samal Duggins said that the vision to advance the country’s creatives had been realized.
“As we as a nation approach our 40th year of Independence, it is with great enthusiasm that I as the minister observe the realized vision…as the Minister of the Department of the Creative Economy,” he said.
“You see, we the people of St. Kitts and Nevis have been a resilient people, an inventive people, a creative people—from the rhythm of our waists to the power and beauty of our words, from our traditions to our new imaginings, we have been a people with potential and now it’s time, it’s time to elevate that potential to a higher height. Today marks a new beginning for you artisans, craftsmen and craftswomen, for you the visual artists and inspiring musicians, you the poets and actors, you the designers, the gamers and of course you the management and service providers who keep things going, you and all those among you who are too numerous to mention, creators of intellectual property, which is the driving force behind the creative economy,” Minister Duggins added.
But, what does it all mean practically?
“The development of the creative economy means job creation, not only in the immediate sector but also in fringe sectors as well. There is room under the umbrella of the creative economy for all. In other words, my friends, the creative economy has the potential to increase our nation’s GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in such a way that the citizens of our country can continue to thrive,” Minister Duggins said.
He continued: “Bearing this in mind, the amazing team at the Department of Creative Economy led by Ms. Roberitine Webbe, a very dynamic individual, a very committed individual, has compiled with the input of all our creatives a number of initiatives which are sure to propel our creatives and our economy into that transformational realm that we have all dreamt about.”
Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of the Creative Economy, Ms. Valencia Syder said, “At the dawn of time, the greatest artist to exist created the world and then He populated it with creatives to continue His artistry.”
“Here we stand today after millennia, a people full of ideas, full of colour, full of vibrancy and the ability to sprout and bloom, wherever we are planted. Today, I welcome you to a new day, a day where creatives are no longer relegated to the corners of society as timewasters and daydreamers, a day where we can shake off the stigma perpetuated by a society that colours creatives as outcasts and underdogs,” Ms. Syder said.
She added: “Ironically, every genius idea ever brought to life on this planet started as a dream and at this moment we are all dreamers to dream longer, to dream bigger, to dream bolder, as we go from being hobbyists to professionals in what we do. Creatives, it is your time now to take the torch that was lit by so many before you.”