Published 7 September 2023
Buckie Got It, St Kitts Nevis News Source
Basseterre, St. Kitts, September 07, 2023 (SKNIS): Psyche Southwell, a highly regarded software engineer and fashion blogger of Kittitian origin, has been chosen as the featured speaker for the 2023 edition of the Prime Minister’s Independence Lecture Series. The event is scheduled for Tuesday, September 12, at the St. Kitts Marriott Resort Ballroom, commencing at 7:00 p.m.
In a brief conversation with the St. Kitts and Nevis Information Service (SKNIS) on September 07, 2023, Ms. Southwell expressed her deep sense of honor at being selected to address such a prestigious gathering.
“I feel incredibly honored and excited to be chosen for this important event. There’s a special sense of pride and validation when your hard work and efforts are recognized by your own people. I am, therefore, inspired to make my presentation informative and memorable,” said Ms. Southwell.
When questioned about what the audience can anticipate, the software engineer explained that her entire lecture has been meticulously structured around four key topics: exploring our inherent strengths, emphasizing the significance of identity and self-determination, recognizing the need for technological advancements, and drawing valuable lessons from the past 40 years.
Ms. Southwell underscored the significance of the Prime Minister hosting a lecture series, particularly in the context of Independence.
“The Independence lecture series provides important opportunities to reflect on our shared past and contemplate new possibilities for future endeavors and prosperity in St. Kitts and Nevis. By hosting this series, the Prime Minister provides an invaluable platform for showcasing ideas and blueprints for our beloved country,” she said.
She enthusiastically encouraged the general public to attend the Lecture Series or tune in and promised a thrilling and dynamic experience. She plans to remind the audience why the 40th year of Independence and the 25th Anniversary of the Lecture Series are causes for celebration, inspiring the country to embrace exciting challenges and opportunities.
Psyche Southwell is the granddaughter of one of St. Kitts and Nevis’ National Heroes, the late Right Excellent Sir Caleb Azariah Paul Southwell. She holds the position of a senior software engineer with a strong focus on customer interaction at the forefront. She is employed by the industry leader in indoor environmental, location, and occupancy services. In her role, she collaborates closely with clients, including the largest health system in the United States, ensuring that their software solutions effectively address pressing business challenges, such as rapidly locating staff during emergency situations in large-scale hospitals.
Ms. Southwell attributes her unwavering motivation to her upbringing in St. Kitts, where she developed a profound passion for problem-solving. Her commitment to tackling challenges has led her to make pivotal career transitions, each proving to be timely and successful.
The Prime Minister’s annual Lecture Series is a vital component of the Independence celebrations, highlighting accomplished individuals from various fields in St. Kitts and Nevis. This year’s Independence theme is “Growing Sustainably, Developing Maturely, Building Resiliency: Independence 40.”