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Hon Shawn K Richards graduated with a PhD from the esteemed University of the Virgin Islands (UVI)


Published 11 May 2024

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Hon Shawn K Richards

Today, I proudly marked a significant milestone in my academic journey: I graduated with a PhD from the esteemed University of the Virgin Islands (UVI). This achievement signifies the end of a chapter and the beginning of numerous opportunities that UVI has paved the way for.

Over the past few years, I have demonstrated unwavering perseverance and made significant personal and professional sacrifices to achieve this academic feat. I am deeply grateful to God Almighty for His sustaining grace throughout this journey. I also want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to my immediate family, friends, and supporters who have been my pillars of strength, continuously encouraging and nurturing me.

I am particularly grateful to Dr. Michelle Queeley of WriteItRight for her exceptional editing skills, which proved invaluable in honing my work. Additionally, I would like to acknowledge Dr. Newton for his unwavering support, guidance, and valuable suggestions that pushed me to meet deadlines and improve my work. I am also thankful to my many lecturers and the members of my dissertation committee for their direction and guidance. During my academic pursuit, I am grateful for the emotional, financial, and intellectual support from others.

It is also important to note that this accomplishment would not have been possible without the invaluable contributions of the participants who consented to participate in my research and provided valuable insights into my study area. I owe them a debt of gratitude. Let me express my admiration to those who identified and recruited the participants.

Finally, I express my sincere appreciation to all those who took the time to congratulate me on the successful defense of my dissertation last Thursday afternoon on various social media platforms, postings, calls, messages, and in person. I am excited about the new chapters of my life that will build upon the foundations established during this and other journeys.


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