Local news, News


Published 3 June 2024

St Kitts, Basseterre,

Buckie Got It Media Source


Basseterre, St. Kitts, Monday, June 3, 2024: Minister of Education, Hon. Dr. Geoffrey Hanley
declared Child Month 2024 formally open in a national address on Thursday, May 30. The
annual event, observed in June will be celebrated this year under the theme: “Embrace Inclusion:
Every Child Counts”.

Elaborating on the theme Minister Hanley stated

“As a parent and an educator, this theme is close to my heart. Embracing inclusivity is a
fundamental building block in any harmonious society because its citizens respect and value
each other, despite their differences. “Embrace Inclusion: Every Child Counts” is a clarion call
for us to appreciate the diversity among children, thereby making each child feel loved, and
valued. Embracing Inclusion transcends mere words. It is a commitment to guarantee that every
child feels valued, respected, and empowered to thrive, regardless of their socioeconomic
background or abilities. It is a passionate plea to all of us to recognize the potential within each
child and nurture it until it blooms into something beautiful. The Ministry of Education is
committed to providing inclusive education and advocates for spaces where our children can be
accepted, nurtured, and loved. Join us and help to build an inclusive society where our children
truly feel that they count.”

The month of activities will commence with Zonal Family Church Services across the island of
St. Kitts. Other anticipated activities for the month include Promotional Day on June 3 rd , the
opening of sensory rooms on June 10 th, the ECD-SKCA Cricket Festival on June 20 th, Soup
Affair on June 21st, and the Grand Parade on June 28th .

This year’s Child Month promises to be a beacon of positive change, reminding everyone that
when we include every child, we build a brighter future for all.

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