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Rt Hon Dr Kennedy Simmonds congratulates Natasha “Shanny” Grey-Brooks, on her historic election as the first female leader of the People’s Action Movement in St. Kitts!

Published 4 June 2024

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Dear Natasha,

Congratulations on your historic election as the first female leader of the People’s Action Movement in St. Kitts!

This significant achievement marks a monumental step forward in our nation’s progress towards gender equality and inclusivity. Our Party, PAM, continues to lead the way.

It was PAM that produced the first female to be elected to parliament, (Dame Constance Mitcham). Dame Constance also became the first Minister of Women’s Affairs in the Eastern Caribbean.

You would recall that PAM was the first party to elect a female Chairperson, (Cyndie Demming). Of equal significance, one would recall the People’s Action Movement, as far back as 1971, fielded the very first female, (Mary Charles-George), to ever contest a national election. Our record in striving for greater gender equality in politics and all spheres of live, is unmatched but admirable. With your election, you have widened the opening of the door for other female leaders to emerge, not only in our party, but nationally.

I also offer my sincere congratulations to the other officers elected at Sunday’s Caucus, especially those new to the executive leadership. I encourage you to work as a team in the best interest of not only the Party, but the country.

Let us also learn from past experiences and be guided by principles and actions that work in our collective interests. Always be reminded of our country’s motto: “Country above self”. Your leadership and dedication to public service have undoubtedly inspired many, and we are confident that your tenure will bring positive change and continued development to our community. We look forward to supporting and witnessing your success as you lead with vision, strength, and integrity.

Best regards,

Kennedy Simmonds

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