Winds:A moderate breeze of 15 mph from an Easterly direction
Temperature: 30°C / 85°F Max Temp:33°C / 91°F Humidity: 73%
Sea Level Pressure: 1014.6mbs or 29.95″
24–hour rainfall at the R.L. Bradshaw Intl. at 2pm: Nil
Amount of rainfall for the month of June:4.7mm/0.19″
Sunrise: Tom 5:36 amSunset: Tom 6:45 pm
Weather Forecast Valid until 8 pm Tomorrow.
Winds:East-southeast at 8 to 16 mph with lighter spells overnight.Seas:1 to 1.5 metres or 3 to 5 feet.Weather Forecast for St. Kitts and Nevis: Available low level patches embedded within a moderate trade wind flow could lead to a moderate chance for shower activity over and around the islands tonight. By tomorrow dry and stable atmospheric conditions will persist and restrict significant shower activity across the area during that time.Weather tonight: Fair to partly cloudy skies with brief cloudy spells and a 40 percent or moderate chance of brief passing overnight showers.
Weather tomorrow: Partly sunny and warm conditions in general with a 20 percent or slight chance of a brief early morning shower.