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Published 30 July 2024

St Kitts, Basseterre,

Buckie Got It Media Source


BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, July 30, 2024 – Under the leadership of Prime Minister, The Honourable Dr Terrance Drew, the Cabinet Ministers convened on Monday July 29th, 2024, and made essential decisions to enhance the well-being of our people.

The Cabinet received a presentation from Dr Izben Williams, General and Forensic Psychiatrist. Dr Williams chairs the task force examining the critical nature of societal violence as a public health issue, recognizing its detrimental impact on social and economic development in the Caribbean. He highlighted the historical context of violence as a public health concern and outlined a comprehensive public health approach to prevention, emphasizing the need for multi-sectoral engagement and international collaboration. Dr Williams discussed establishing a Secretariat for Citizen Security to lead the initiative, responsible for data collection, research, and promoting violence prevention programs at various levels. He emphasized the importance of optimizing partnerships, developing a National Action Plan, integrating violence prevention into social policies, and ensuring political commitment. He underscored the concept of citizen security, advocating for a comprehensive strategy that improves quality of life, respects democratic values, and ensures human security at the grassroots level.

The Cabinet approved the ratification of the Agreement establishing the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (5Cs). The 5Cs was established via an official Agreement following the 13th Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Conference of the Heads of Government of CARICOM held in Belize City, Belize, on February 4th, 2002. The establishment of the Centre was a direct and active response by the regional collective to the climate crisis as a way of mitigating the adverse impacts of climate change. The ratification of this Agreement signifies the St. Kitts-Nevis Labour Party Administration’s dedication and responsiveness to climate change and affirms its commitment to engaging in joint, collaborative regional action to substantively address this issue. In this regard, during its next Sitting of the National Assembly, the Honourable Minister of Environment, Climate Action, and Constituency Empowerment, Dr Joyelle Clarke, will table the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (Agreement) Bill, 2024. 

Additionally, the Cabinet approved the legislative enactment of the Judge Alone Trials Bill, 2024, which seeks to provide for criminal trials without a jury in certain circumstances. The Bill aims to create a more streamlined process that allows for the swift and effective administration of justice and will also protect jurors from sitting on violence-related matters where there could be a risk of interference or harm.

Both bills will be tabled during the National Assembly Sitting on Thursday August 1st, 2024.

See video here: https://youtu.be/colvEd4zGzQ

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