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CFBC Celebrates the life of MR. WAYLAND VAUGHAN

Published 6 September 2024

Buckie Got It,

St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

CFBC Celebrates the life of MR. WAYLAND VAUGHAN

Basseterre, St. Kitts, 6 th September, 2024 (CFBC): It is with a heavy heart that the Clarence
Fitzroy Bryant College acknowledges the passing of Mr. Wayland Vaughan, CSM, a son of the soil
whose legacy at the College will forever be cherished. As a dedicated lecturer of courses in the
Timber programme within the Division of Technical Vocational Education and Management
Studies and a contributor to the Division of Teacher Education, Mr. Vaughan served with
unwavering commitment and passion. His exuberance in promoting the Timber programme will
be missed.

Mr. Vaughan was more than a lecturer; he was a guide and mentor who believed in the power of
reasoning and dialogue to diffuse conflict, especially among his students. He had a deep, genuine
desire to see young people strive for excellence in every way, encouraging them to do, and be,
their very best. Always proud of his students, he remembered each one by name, nurturing them
with the same care and attention he offered his own family.

Moreover, Mr. Vaughan willingly shared his knowledge, skills, and time with all who sought them,
making a profound impact on both his colleagues and students. His frankness was always
respectful, a mark of his integrity, as he worked collaboratively with his peers for the greater cause.
Known for his reliability, efficiency, and kindness, he became a cornerstone of the College, always
ready to lend a hand, whether in his beloved Timber programme or on CFBC’s in-house
construction projects.

For many of us, the annual Capping and Striping Ceremony will never be the same without the
beautiful melodies from his keyboard, which accompanied the singing led by his wife, Mrs. Lucine
Pemberton-Vaughan. We will also remember his steady presence as mace bearer for numerous
Commencement Ceremonies.

Mr. Vaughan is survived by his family, including his brothers-in-law, Mr. Leroy Pemberton and
Mr. Stafford Pemberton, who continue his legacy as lecturers at the College.
We have lost a remarkable soul, but Mr. Vaughan’s impact—like the sturdy structures he taught
(students) to build—will stand the test of time, and his laughter will continue to resound in the
hearts of all who knew him.

May his memory inspire us to work as he did, with purpose and heart, as we continue to strive for

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