Education, Local news, News

Minister of Education Addresses COM

Published 12 September 2024

Buckie Got It

St. Kitts and Nevis News Source


Basseterre: St. Kitts, Tuesday, September, 10, 2024:​ The Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis is currently hosting The Ninth Meeting of The OECS Council of Ministers: Education (COM: Edu) under the Chairmanship of Hon. Dr. Geoffrey Hanley, Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Education, Youth, Social Development, Gender Affairs, Aging and Disabilities. 

Ministers of Education, Sustainability and Health across the region are presently participating in high level discussions within the scope of “Regional Development and Sustainability through Quality Education and Social Empowerment”.

Delivering remarks at the Commemorative Ceremony on September 11, Chair of the COM Dr. Geoffrey Hanley opined, 

“If we as regional citizens are truly to experience growth within our respective countries then we must employ a collaborative, multifaceted, holistic approach. It is not merely about economic growth but about creating an environment where all individuals can thrive. Sustainability, in this context, means ensuring that our development strategies are inclusive, equitable, and environmentally sound.”

Acknowledging the importance of education to the region’s development and sustainability, Dr. Hanley remarked,

“Quality education is a fundamental right and the cornerstone of sustainable development. It is through education that we empower our youth, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to navigate and contribute to an ever-changing world. Our commitment to quality education must be unwavering, as it is the key to unlocking the potential of our people and our region.”

The three-day cross-sectional meeting, is currently being held inthe Antigua Room, St. Kitts Marriott Resort.

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