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Published 15 November 2024

Buckie Got It

St. Kitts and Nevis News Source


Basseterre, St. Kitts, November 15, 2024 (SKNIS): Positive messages affirming the value of “Good Mental Health” were shared with dozens of young people across St. Kitts who attended the Minister’s Youth Forum held at the St. Kitts Marriott Resort on Thursday, November 14, 2024.

Various presenters, including staff from the National Counselling Centre, highlighted key issues that contribute to poor mental health, and coping strategies to overcome the negative effects that can lead to feelings of depression, self-harm, or in some cases physical violence.

Daniella Clarke, a second-year student at the Basseterre High School, appreciated the sessions.

“It was interesting and I learnt a lot of new things,” she said, noting that at times she openly expresses anger. “I learnt ways to control my emotions, my temper, and I am going to stop barking (shouting) after people and I will start ignoring people because I can get easily frustrated.”

Two important recommendations by mental health professionals shared with the students involve finding a safe space and confiding in a trusted source. First Form student at the Washinton Archibald High School Rodney Wilson said it was “wonderful to have professionals coming in to talk to the children.”

Fifteen-year-old Akiloncea Dore of the Cayon High School shared similar sentiments and noted how the key points touched her deeply. 

“We really learnt a lot to take back to our peers like youth violence in schools, how youth violence can impact schools, the community and also the country,” she expressed. “Violence is happening in our communities and I think it is really important to educate people about how violence is affecting our country.”

Minister of State responsible for Youth Empowerment, the Honourable Isalean Phillip, said the focus on promoting good mental health fits into the broader framework of enhancing citizen security thereby creating healthier, safer and more peaceful communities.

Deputy Prime Minister the Honourable Dr. Geoffrey Hanley interacting with youth at the event

“Data is showing us that young people are more aggressive and they are certainly engaging in violent behaviour whether that’s verbal or physical and we want to be able to address that early on and help them to understand their behaviours and emotions so it does not erupt into the most extreme forms of violence,” she stated.

Minister Phillip said that she enjoyed the engagement and applauded the youth for speaking openly and honestly about issues affecting them. 

The Minister’s Youth Forum was held as part of the annual commemoration of Youth Month.

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