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World Fisheries Day Address by Hon. Samal Duggins, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Marine Resources St. Kitts and Nevis– November 21, 2024

Published 21 November 2024

Buckie Got It,

St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Honourable Samal Duggins

Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Marine Resources

Government of St. Kitts and Nevis 

World Fisheries Day Address 2024 

November 21, 2024


On behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Marine Resources, I am pleased to extend my warm greetings as we celebrate World Fisheries Day 2024. I would like to start by expressing my deep gratitude to our dedicated fishers, whose tireless efforts ensure the continued supply of fish to feed our nation. Your hard work not only strengthens our food security but also preserves the cultural and economic foundation of our society. We are truly thankful for your resilience and unwavering commitment, which play a vital role in the well-being of our country.

Over the past year, the Department of Marine Resources has focused on advancing sustainable fishing practices and supporting the needs of our fishing communities. I am proud to share some key initiatives and improvements that have been made this year:

A significant initiative this year was the introduction of biodegradable fish pots, an essential step toward sustainable fishing practices. These fish pots feature a panel secured with biodegradable jute twine, which begins to degrade after 21 days, allowing the panel to dislodge. This mechanism helps reduce the issue of ghost fishing and contributes to the preservation of marine life. In partnership with the COASTFISH Project, we have provided resources to help our fishers adopt these biodegradable alternatives. By minimizing the impact on our marine ecosystems, we are protecting our resources while setting an example for sustainable fishing practices.

Additionally, this year, the department deployed artificial reefs as part of the COAST FISH initiative. These reefs improve marine habitats, support biodiversity, and enhance the resilience of our fish stocks. They also open new opportunities for alternative livelihoods, particularly in the tourism sector.

In response to the needs of our fishing communities, we successfully inaugurated the Old Road Fish Depot, which now serves the people of Old Road and surrounding areas by providing access to fresh fish. This new facility also creates a reliable market for our local fisheries, supporting their fishing operations.

This year, we also celebrated the commissioning of our new enforcement vessel, “Prosperity.” With its enhanced capabilities, this vessel will significantly improve our ability to monitor and enforce regulations within our waters, protecting against illegal fishing practices and contributing to marine conservation efforts. It underscores our commitment to safeguarding the integrity of our marine resources.

In partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), we held consultations on the development of aquaculture in our region. This collaboration reflects our goal of pursuing a balanced approach to fisheries management that supports both ecological sustainability and economic growth. Looking ahead to 2025, we plan to establish two shrimp grow-out ponds to test the feasibility of shrimp farming in St. Kitts and Nevis. Should the project prove successful, it could offer new opportunities for local shrimp farming and help reduce our reliance on imported seafood.

Through the capital project “Basseterre Fisheries Complex Rehabilitation and Development,” we have made steps in enhancing the infrastructure at the Basseterre Fisheries Complex. Future upgrades include the construction of new locker rooms for fishers, a conference room for meetings, and the creation of a fuel station and marine mechanic area to provide on-site support for our fishers.

These improvements reflect our ongoing commitment to creating a supportive environment for our fishing community. We understand that providing high-quality infrastructure is crucial to sustaining a thriving fishing industry and ensuring its long-term success.

The Ministry remains steadfast in its dedication to supporting the fisheries sector, focusing on innovation, education, and collaboration. Together, let us continue to work towards a sustainable future where our marine resources can thrive for generations to come.

Thank you, and Happy World Fisheries Day!

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