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VHS News-line

Published 2 February 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

VHS News-line. The VHS Sports Department invited two of our National Top Athletes to address the students with a hope to encourage them to participate in athletics. Virgil Hodge, Delwayne Delaney, and Paula Lenon who is Kim Collins’ wife and coach were all in attendance to motivate the students.

They spoke about the opportunities they got as a result of their dedication and commitment to track and field over the years. VHS will be working hard to capture the Interschool Championship 2018. CEMSS we bringing it this year.


Education, Local news, News, Politics

BHS is blinding evidence of the Team Unity government’s incompetence, deceit and trickery

Published 1 February 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

By: Media Source

BHS is blinding evidence of the Team Unity
government’s incompetence, deceit and trickery

Basseterre, St. Kitts, February 1, 2018 – The handling of the Basseterre High School saga by the Team Unity Government of Prime Minister Dr. Timothy Harris highlights the unprecedented greed and total mismanagement of the nation’s resources.


Education, Local news, News

Ross Medical students leave St. Kitts, start classes in Knoxville

Published 18 January 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Ross Medical students leave St. Kitts, start classes in Knoxville

Basseterre, St. Kitts, January 18, 2018 – Over 1,000 medical students who relocated to St. Kitts after their Ross University Medical School campus in Dominica was destroyed by Hurricane Irma have left the Federation and have temporarily relocated to Knoxville, Tennessee in the United States to continue their education.
The ship, which the students resumed classes has also left St. Kitts.


Education, Local news, News

VHS NEWSLINE- Verchilds High School is presently hosting Staff Professinal Development at the Nema Conference under the theme “Together we are better”.

Published 15 January 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

VHS NEWSLINE- Verchilds High School is presently hosting Staff Professinal Development at the Nema Conference under the theme “Together we are better”. The presenters and topics are: “How to improve the greatness of the school”- Mrs. Carlene Henry- Morton, “Creating a culture of excellence among students and teachers”- Mr. Daryll Lloyd and “Coping with negativity/attitude difference at the work place”- Pastor Dr. Analdo Bailey. Hon Shawn Richards Minister of Education, Mr. William Hodge Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Mr. Addison James- Education Officer.


Education, Local news, News

VHS Newsline- The Verchilds High School is hosting its Management Retreat at the Mariott Hotel

Published 19 December 2017

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

VHS Newsline- The Verchilds High School is hosting its Management Retreat at the Mariott Hotel today from 8:00am to 5:00 pm. Rev. Damian Hughes and Rev. P. Allister Rawlins are our facilitators. Rev. Hughes presently conducting a session on Leadership and Rev. Rawlins will facilitate the Lets Talk Session. The VHS Management would like to thank the Ministry of Education for their continued support.