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High level athletics make a return to Nevis; Development Bank is major sponsor

Published 17 July 2018

Buckie got It St Kitts and Nevis News Source

High level athletics make a return to Nevis; Development Bank is major sponsor

Charlestown, NevisJuly 17, 2018 (DBSKN) — After about a quarter century hiatus, Culturama Games are back with a bang thanks to a fruitful collaboration between the Titans Athletics Club and Timothy Caines and Associates Limited, and a host of sponsors including the Development Bank of St. Kitts and Nevis.


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Development Bank sponsors Tywana Cranston for Miss Culture 2018/19

Published 17 July 2018

Buckie got It St Kitts and Nevis News Source

Development Bank sponsors Tywana Cranston for Miss Culture 2018/19

Charlestown, NevisJuly 17, 2018 (DBSKN) — Twenty-year old Ms Tywana Cranston, one of the four contestants taking part in the 2018 Miss Culture Queen Pageant to be held on Sunday August 5, is governed by the mantra ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’. She is thanking her sponsors, the Development Bank of St. Kitts and Nevis (DBSKN), for giving her the opportunity to excel.


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Published 16 July 2018

Buckie got It St Kitts and Nevis News Source

BASSETERRE, St. Kitts, July 16, 2018 (Press Unit in the Office of the Prime Minister) – Over the next five days, hundreds of children from various communities across St. Kitts will receive important training in areas of fire safety, water safety, traffic safety, disaster preparedness, and crime and violence, as part of the activities to be covered during the annual Summer Safety Programme organized by the St. Kitts and Nevis Fire and Rescue Service.

The Summer Safety Programme, now in its sixteenth year, is being staged under the theme, “Protecting the Future of Our Federation Through Fire Safety Awareness” – a theme Prime Minister and Minister of National Security, Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris, believes is quite fitting.

“The future, of course, is a metaphor for our nation’s children in whom we want to spark awareness of not just fire risks, but also of the importance of employing safety practices such as creating a fire escape plan. Increased awareness will prevent fires and equip children with the survival skills necessary to escape safely from a burning house or other burning buildings,” Dr. Harris said.

The prime minister noted that the Summer Safety Programme should serve as a catalyst to spark further discussion, preventative action and behavioural change as it relates to fire and other lifesaving measures.

“Indeed, it only takes a spark to ignite a fire that spreads rapidly,” Prime Minister Harris said. “This week’s Summer Safety Programme is dedicated to passing on that life-saving message to children, empowering them to save their lives and the lives of others in the event of a fire emergency.”

While the children will be learning these critical and potentially lifesaving skills, Prime Minister Harris issued a call to parents to continue the conversation of fire and other safety measures at home, noting that “such proactive and preventative actions require support and reinforcement from parents and guardians.”

“I want to encourage adults to initiate safety discussions at the dinner table, in the car, during family gatherings in order to avoid being caught off guard in an emergency, and of course they should know the numbers to call during a fire emergency: 465-2515. You should also review with your family the fastest way to get out of your home in the event of an emergency and all of you should get out of the house quickly, but safely, and meet up at a pre-determined spot outdoors.”

The annual Summer Safety Programme is being held at three locations, namely the Basseterre Fire Station, the Edgar T. Morris Primary School in Tabernacle, and at the Sandy Point Primary School.

Photo: (seated front L-R) Prime Minister Dr. the Hon. Timothy Harris; Fire Chief, Everette O’garro; Delta Petroleum’s Regional General Manager, Mr. Bevis Sylvester. Standing: Fire officers and the participants of the 2018 Summer Safety Programme.

Photo 2: Prime Minister Harris greeting participants of the Summer Safety Programme.


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Development Bank partnering with Nevisian entrepreneur in offering the ‘Best Nevisian Culinary Experience’  

Published 16 July 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Development Bank partnering with Nevisian entrepreneur in offering the ‘Best Nevisian Culinary Experience’  

Charlestown, NevisJuly 16, 2018 (DBSKN) — When the Ministry of Tourism in the Nevis Island Administration (NIA) honoured the movers and shakers in the Nevis’ blossoming tourism industry on Saturday May 26 at the prestigious Four Seasons Resort, one award had necks craned to find out who its recipient was.

The Tourism Awards Gala and Dance, which had as its theme ‘Eat Well, Live Well, Be Well’, was hosted by Premier of Nevis (also Minister of Tourism in Nevis) the Hon Mark Brantley. It was attended by the Governor General His Excellency Sir Tapley Seaton, the Acting Deputy Governor General for Nevis Her Honour Mrs Marjorie Morton, and Prime Minister Dr the Hon Timothy Harris.


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Launch of the National Task Force and Endorsement of the Citizen Security Toolkit

Published 16 July 2018

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

Launch of the National Task Force and Endorsement of the Citizen Security Toolkit

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