Local news, News

St. Kitts and Nevis weather conditions

Published 16 October 2017

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis New Source

Robert L. Bradshaw International Airport St. Kitts Meteorological Services
St. Christopher Air & Sea Port Authority P.O. Box 963
St. Kitts
Tel: 869 465 2749
Issued at: 7am
Present Weather: Cloudy skies with light showers
Winds: A moderate breeze of 12mph from the southeast Temperature: 25°C/77°F Humidity: 95% Sea Level Pressure: Above normal at 1016.3mbs/30.01″ Sunrise: Tom 6:04 am Sunset: Today 5:48 pm
Weather Forecast Valid until 8am Tomorrow
Winds: ESE at 14 – 21mph over land and reaching up to 25mph over coastal waters with higher gusts in showers.
Seas: Moderate to rough, swells 1.5 to 2.1m or 5 to 7 ft. Small craft operators and sea bathers should exercise caution.
Weather Forecast for St. Kitts & Nevis: Today will be partly cloudy with few cloudy periods and moderate chance of showers. And tonight is expected to be partly cloudy with a slight chance of few passing showers.
Eastern Caribbean Forecast: Remnants of moisture associated with the passage of a tropical wave is likely to produce few showers across the islands today. Skies over the Leeward and Virgin Islands will be partly cloudy with few cloudy periods and a chance of few showers today with fairer conditions by tonight. The Windward Islands will be cloudy with scattered showers and a chance of few isolated thunderstorms. Puerto Rico and Hispaniola will be partly cloudy in general with few passing showers.
Tele- fax: 869 465 9122
Weather Bulletin
Monday 16th October, 2017


Entertainment, Events, Local news, News


Published 16 October 2017

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source


As the CHAIRPERSON Serene Weekes ALONG SIDE MY SUB COMMITTEE ZAVIE MARISHAW, KEVIN MORTON AND Stevie Tojahpaz Nias, FOR THE FIRST EVER MISS EAST BASSETERRE SWIMSUIT PAGEANT 2017. We will like to say thanks to every contestant Julisa David, Aaliyah Gibson, Caldorecia Thompson and Terrisita Henry for making the show a success. Your hard work and determination finally paid off. Congratsto the QUEEN Aaliyah Gibson and the 1ST RUNNER UP Julisa David , as for those of you that didn’t manage to capture a position never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game and take this experience as a stepping stone to further develop yourselves as individuals of society don’t just see negativity at least take one positive instance throughout life.


Education, Local news, News

The 2017 graduation ceremony of the University of the West Indies in Grenada.

Published 15 October 2017

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

The 2017 graduation ceremony of the University of the West Indies in Grenada.

On Saturday October 14th Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Hon Shawn K Richards and Governor General Sir S.W Tapley Seaton were among the specially invited dignataries at The 2017 graduation ceremony of the University of the West Indies in Grenada.
Chancellor Robert Bermudez conferred degrees on thousands of students including 14 graduates from St.Kitts-Nevis .
DPM Richards is seen pictured hede with the SKN Graduates who attended the ceremony .



Health, Local news, News


Published 14 October 2017

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source

PAM STAGES INDEPENDENCE WALK !!!! This morning the PAM staged a successful 8 Mile Health and Fitness Independence Walk A Thon . The event began in Sandy Point and journeyed through St.Pauls into Saddlers Village. Except for one or two occasions the PAM Independence Walk has been a staple in the federation for the past 34 years.


Local news, News

Verchilds High School News Line.

Published 13 October 2017

Buckie Got It, St. Kitts and Nevis News Source 

Verchilds High School News Line. The learning Support Department is presently hosting a Spelling Bee competition. The head of the department Mrs. Brenda Stephens said, that the objective is to help the learning support children with inproving their spelling skills. Congratulations to the children and teachers of the VHS learning support.