Local news, News, Politics, Regional News

Minister of Foreign Affairs attends XXIII Association of Caribbean States Ministerial Council in Cuba

Published 27 March 2017

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Honourable Mark Brantley is in Havana, Cuba to participate in the XXII Association of Caribbean States Ministerial Council scheduled for today, 10th March 2017. Minister Brantley is participating at a time when the ACS is charting a new course for itself which will lead to a process of revitalisation and institutional strengthening. The Ministerial Council was preceded by the First Cooperation Conference which was held on the 8th March 2017. This Conference presented two main projects: “Uniting the Caribbean by Air and Sea” focusing on connectivity and transportation and the “ACS Program to Combat the impact of Climate Change in the Caribbean”.  The Conference was designed to achieve the meaningful participation of the Observer States, donor countries as well as international organisations including the United Nations (UN) funds and agencies which were specially invited given their relationship with the Caribbean region and experience in the issues of climate change and transport which were addressed at said Conference. The event was also intended to attract financial resources to the ACS Special Fund.


Business, International news, Local news, News, Politics


Published 27 March 2017

London, UK. Minister Grant arrived in London, England to participate in the first Commonwealth Trade Ministers Meeting.

The Ministerial Meeting organised by the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council brings together Trade Ministers from across the Commonwealth over a four-day period to discuss harnessing the Commonwealth advantage in a changing global trade landscape.

Minsters are also expected to explore how they can leverage opportunities and address challenges to intra-Commonwealth trade and investment and to look at preparations for the next Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting scheduled for London in 2018.


International news, Local news, News, Politics, Regional News

Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honourable Mark Brantley meets with Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs

March 27, 2017

The Honourable Mark Brantley, Minister of Foreign Affairs met with His Excellency Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla in the margins of the XXII ACS Ministerial Council which concluded yesterday, 10th March 2017 in Havana, Cuba. In their encounter, Minister Brantley offered expressions of condolence to Minister Rodriguez, the Government and people of Cuba on the passing of the Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro who was a towering revolutionary figure and a global champion for the poor.


Local news, News, Politics

Hon. Akila Byron-Nisbett Becomes First Woman to be Elected Deputy Leader of a Major Political Party on St.Kitts-Nevis

Published March 27, 2017

Senator Hon. Akila Byron-Nisbett was on Saturday March 25th elected to the post of Deputy Political Leader of the Peoples Labour Party.  Hon. Byron-Nisbett  was given the confidence by her party to stand as the second in command to the leader Prime Minister Dr. Hon Timothy Harris at the party’s historic inaugural convention.

Following the Convention’s Public Session the party rank and file elected their brand new executive. Prime Minister of St. Kitts and Nevis, Dr. the Honourable Timothy Harris was returned as National Party Leader. The Hon. Akilah Byron-Nisbett was elected the new National Deputy Leader.


Crime/Justice, Local news, News

Cross-Dressing Youth Held For Fatal Stabbing Of Teen Brother

According to Police, they are investigating a stabbing incident at a residence in Janet Alley, McKnight which occurred around 10pm.