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St Kitts and Nevis Commemorates Commonwealth Day: Foreign Minister Brantley Highlights the Commonwealth’s Critical Relevanc

St Kitts and Nevis Commemorates Commonwealth Day: Foreign Minister Brantley Highlights the Commonwealth’s Critical Relevance


As the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis joins with the other 51 Commonwealth Member countries across the world to commemorate Commonwealth Day 2017, under the theme “A peace-building Commonwealth”, it gives me great pleasure as the Minister of Foreign Affairs to speak to the importance of our Commonwealth membership at this time.


The organization known as Commonwealth is still quite relevant today, for us particularly as a Small Island Developing State. As we continue to work towards carving out our space in the international community, whilst striving to improve the lives of our citizens through new and diverse opportunities, the bonds we share and the bridges we are able to build with our Commonwealth siblings is increasingly important. The avenues of interdependence, mutual exchange and collective action through which we are able to collaborate continue to unite us.


International news, Local news, News, Politics

Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honourable Mark Brantley meets with Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs


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(L-R) St. Kitts and Nevis’ Minister of Foreign Affairs and Aviation, the Hon. Mark Brantley; Minister of Foreign Affairs of Republic of Cuba, H.E. Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla


Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Honourable Mark Brantley meets with Cuban Minister of Foreign Affairs

By: MFA, Press Release

Basseterre, St. Kitts, March 13, 2017 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs): The Honourable Mark Brantley, Minister of Foreign Affairs met with His Excellency Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla in the margins of the XXII ACS Ministerial Council which concluded yesterday, 10th March 2017 in Havana, Cuba. In their encounter, Minister Brantley offered expressions of condolence to Minister Rodriguez, the Government and people of Cuba on the passing of the Commander in Chief, Fidel Castro who was a towering revolutionary figure and a global champion for the poor.


Local news, News



On Friday evening in Taylors Village an incident accrued where it was revealed that Mr. Ashton Christopher was stabbed to the right side of his chest near a shop in Taylors Village. This has brought the Federation to record its third murder for 2017. when an individual was stabbed.

Police have confirmed the identity of the individual and disclosed that the 54-year-old Christopher received one stab wound to the chest and died on route to the Joseph N. France General Hospital.

The incident occurred sometime after 8.00pm and one person is already in custody.


Crime/Justice, Local news, News

Decomposed body discovered 8 months ago identified as ‘Markie’


Decomposed body discovered 8 months ago identified as ‘Markie


BASSETERRE, St. Kitts – APPROXIMATELY eight months after human remains were discovered in the Newton Ground mountain area (Fahie’s mountain), the Royal St. Christopher and Nevis Police Force has been able to identify the missing body.

On July 29, 2016, a Police-issued press release indicated that a lifeless body was discovered in the Fahie’s Mountain area.


Local news, News

Traffic accident

Buckie Got It….traffic accident Between keys and cayon Involved a car and a bus